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*Zeus* | 22:39 Tue 20th Jun 2006 | Body & Soul
85 Answers
Who thinks Im the Ruskie?

If it is more than 50 % say I am.....I will leave this site for good...and all the peops Im on msn with.

There will be a void ...coz I aint.


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i dont think you are so please stay, you brighten things up x
hey ray, glad you got some action last night! Are you still up for a turning lesbian?

zeus, I told you last night that the people who matter know you're not sexyrussian and this proves it so I hope you're reading this today!
right, have only just seen this post and my take on it is, I do not think for one moment that Zeus is SR, i am yet to understand how anyone has come to that conclusion. However, i am not going to beg Zeus to stay because i have heard him say several times that he is leaving, sorry mate, but im sure if you really want to leave then you must feel free to do so but don't keep on saying it cause that is boring too.! I am thoroughly sick and bored of this continuing theme on here. If he is, so what, i don't care either way but again,. i dont think he is! Get off his case! Please, if Zeus does stay this time, can we have the fun, charming guy he once was back! I wish SR would get a new name now because i've heard that one just a little too often now.
Oh, whilst im here, Hiya kick, long time no speak and ray, you made me spit my coffee out reading your post!!!! lol hope it was a good one!!!!!! lucky mrs sparx!
God,what on earth happened last night on here!! lol
I don't know pinkfizz but im guessing it was a bloodbath, glad i watched the footy and went to bed! At least the gorgeous ray had a good night!
Lol @ you 2!

You should have seen the stuff that got pulled... carnage.
From what i have seen on my time on here, you post jokey messages, SR posts horrible, selfish, nasty ones. How anyone could mistake you for her is unknown to me.
Please stay.
Hi all you lovely ladies,

hellie I am now ready,willing yet not quite able to become a ruskie lesbian, i need a fanny tuck,is that the correct procedure? I will see if I can get one in asda, from what I have been told I also need a Rabbit, why a Rabbit I don't know,I would rather have a cat,but if a Rabbit makes me a lesi,so be it,

Hi julie hope you and all the other young ladies are fit and well,speak soon, take care all, Ray xx

Zeus, don't go anywhere,stay and help with all these ladies, I have already said I am the ruskie,so the pressure is off you now!!!!!
Zeus NO ONE thinks you are me.It is soooo obvious you are not.For a start you don't USE CAPITALS to empathises points which I do ALL the time and secondly you have a completely different style of writing.Those who say you are me know you are not really and are just doing it to wind you up.JUST IGNORE THEM!!!!!!
Hi ray! I've had second thoughts about you turning lesbian - don't do it you're perfect as you are and we all love your manliness! ;) Can we just work out some sort of rota system?
hellie, it is to late, I did it myself with a pencil sharpener and cheese grater, the bits are in cider vinegar being pickled, I will use the plums to play conkers,but I can try and put them back, but I thought if I was a lesi I could inseminate myself and have a baby while studying russian, xx
ray if the deed is already done then i'll gladly indulge in some lady love although I'm sure you'll be a bit sore at the moment?
Smashing blouse by the way!
I am going to work now hellie, I will walk very slowly,til the glues dried,I will do a reversal later,feels wierd with me donger not hitting my knees as I walk !!!!

Take care ladies, apart from one that is, Ray xx
lmfao@ray and hellie!!! hee hee xx
Hey wonderwoman!!

ray, I'll gladly help with the reversal op - you can hold it in place while I put the stitches in.
Have a good day at work!!
you are right pippa - i even asked the ed in a question about it last night!

I haven't really been involved in the "zeus is SR" thing but one thing someone posted as "proof" did make me laugh - there was a link to a Q where Zeus had apparently slipped up and ansered as SR while still logged in as zeus.
He said " i will give up all my wages and give it to charity" or something along those lines - well since when has SR ever claimed to be working and getting wages? quite the opposite in fact - so this is hardly evidence
just thought i'd note that.

as i have said I find SR revolting - but amusing to laugh AT, so dont' go zeus (just in case you are SR) Lol
joko - i thought the same thing.

and then when it got nasty on here last night regarding *Zeus*'s 'normal' life (work etc), i wondered if the people who were criticising him had read that comment too.
fee-is-me, I posted last night that some people are obsessed with the idea that Zeus has no job and spends all his waking hours on AB.
Granted, he has said a few times on here that he is on the dole but he wasn't being serious and whilst it doesn't matter either way, he does have a job. He is a decent guy as well! ;)

I found some of the comments of last night childish in the extreme... 1 or 2 were ranting on about having to pay for his way of life etc... WTF is it to do with them whether or not he has a job?!!!!

SOME people are soooooooooooooooo easily stressed!

(Was the cutting comment about you a joke, or was it meant nastily, btw?)

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