I am all for organ donation in theory and in practice, but I'm very against this proposal for the following reasons. Imagine this scenario:-
Your child is greivously injured in an accident and has only the slimmest of chances of surviving anyway. If they do survive they will have significant pain and/or loss of quality of life. They may be paralysed or braindamaged or seriously incapacitated in some other way and however you will look at it, they are likely to need serious nursing for the rest of their lives and cost a lot of money to treat and look after.If the Drs try their hardest to save them it's a pretty gloomy outcome either way, but if they try to a reasonable level but don't really pull out all the stops then that child of yours can donate liver, kidneys, corneas, heart, lungs etc etc etc, making it possible for many people to live healthy and by comparison less costly (to the NHS) lives than your child. A Dr will at some point make the wrong decision, that's without a doubt, and that is why I am against this.I do not want a Dr having a life or death decision to make based on economics and his own opinion about what my child ( who he didn't know) might want to happen. I feel that it's a parental duty to retain that control as I feel to do anything else would be to shirk my responsibilities as a parent. If my child was already dead then i would have no problem with donating their organs, it's Drs being aware before hand that is unacceptable.