Can anyone help me to find the name of a track which was played on the music channels in the summer of 2000.. I think!
It's a tune with no words (I think) and it was playing on Kiss around the same time as Baby D's mix of Let me be your fantasy with MC Tails.
The video is of a little girl (maybe more than one girl) who is dressing up in her mum's clothes and jumping around on furniture, she wears red lipstick. The end of the video she stands looking at the camera - it's kind of freaky!
If anyone can help - please do, it's driving me and my sister mad!
this is gonna bug me now!!! I do remember it playing on Kiss TV alot. The video also featured 2 teenage school girls dancing around in their bedroom getting ready to go out and the little girl was obviously their little sister.
Yeah, that's the one!! I'm so glad someone else remembers it� you remember the video better than me! I keep getting the first part of the tune in my head and then I can't get any further! It's actually quite a depressing tune, with no words and chime/bells type sounds! How can we find out what it is? It's been bugging us for about 6 months!
Wicked, thanks!! Yes, I agree, we really do HAVE to know. I could only think of one a couple of ways to find it so I searched eBay for all KISS CDs around that time to see if anything jumped out at me... needless to say, it didn't! I also tried the KISS website but nothing there either. Thanks again! I'm at work too... have a nice day! :o)
Sorry, drawn a total blank there. I've surfed, phoned about and done pretty much everything to try to remember. Its a damn good tune and wouldnt mind getting hold of it! Oh well this question will be about 1000 pages behind all the others when I find out who its by !!!!!