Shampoo and Highlights in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Shampoo and Highlights

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whiffey | 19:04 Wed 28th Jun 2006 | Body & Soul
3 Answers
I don't have highlights but I've recently had a few insertions. Today I found a bogoff offer in Superdrug on Clairol Fruit Fusions. My method of buying shampoo is fairly empirical, if it smells nice I buy it. So I got a pomegranate one for normal hair and a papaya one which I now see is for Coloured / Highlighted hair.

I don't think I need worry, it's only Fairy Liquid after all, but should I be a bit careful with my insertions ?

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Yes, inserting shampoos into any orifice is always dangerous and should be undertaken with the strictest of caution.
whiffey, i am a hairdresser , would you like me to do your insertions for you?
BE CAREFUL Whiffey if you are using fairy liquid if the friction is very rapid it bubbles like hell and your orifices will be full of foamy liquid and things will be slipping in and out like a fiddlers elbow !!!!

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