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has it been banned again?

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wonderwoman1 | 20:09 Mon 03rd Jul 2006 | Body & Soul
37 Answers
all its posts have disappeared! what do u think it will come back as now?


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Good idea ~ you wanna do the honours, ww? I fear I might catch Ruskitis if I touch it!
lol @ ww1!!
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pippa, i would but i have just had me nails done!
i hope she comes back as a ghost ... or zombie...
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what...scareyghostie or mingingzombie?
Oooh I don't blame you then ww ~ I'll do it for you. Is there anyone out there willing to hold it down for me?
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i'll hold it down as long as it doesnt smudge my nailpolish!
wonderman, I did wonder when you posted your question, but since then I have seen all the warmth pervading through and I feel that you were only encoding a group hug.

I think we should welcome everybody all the time, and if you don't agree I will give you a Goon's quote.
I don't agree whiffey ~ but only cos I need that Goons quote ;o)
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nah i dont agree whats the goon's quote?
God this russian thing is getting so much worse, u lot moaned at me when i kept on about it but see how it has just gone on and on, there is no humour in it, no educational value, it is like a big waste of the space, which i always thought was endless, but it is all relative.
I didn't moan at you dotty :o)

I feel good getting it off my chest (finally) it got to 3 strikes and you're out with that thing..and the lies are getting so much more ridiculous it isn't funny anymore.

apologies to you hun, I know this is a bit tedious!
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so anyway pippa, how are you?
OooOOoo What have I missed??!
I am excellent ww ~ apart from the insect bites that are causing me no end of grief. Do I get any sympathy? nope..just some witterings about broken bones in the imaginary sense of course.

Oh well..such is life!
Goons: (lol the noo)

Bluebottle: Now, man, I was trained in Judo by the great Bert. Using the body as a counter-pivot to displace the opponent, I use the great Bert's method of throwing the opponent to his death! Be warned, Moriarty, one false move and you die by Bert's method!
Moriarty: Take that!
Bluebottle: AHOO! Wait till I see that twit Bert.
Eccles: You- you hit my friend Bottle again and see what happens!
Bluebottle: AHOO!
Eccles: See, that's what happens!'s gone again!

Thanks whiffey..must brush up on my Goons as I haven't seen/heard that one before :o)

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has it been banned again?

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