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How do you STAY asleep??

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Ginster | 00:31 Sun 09th Jul 2006 | Body & Soul
11 Answers
My mum's having real trouble staying asleep. She falls asleep as soon as her head hits the pillow but, regardless of what time she goes to bed, she'll wake up at about 3am and can't get back to sleep.

As you can imagine, this is getting a tad frustrating for her! It's nothing to do with the recent heat as this problem's been going on for a while now!

I've read the stuff about insomnia but she has no trouble initially GETTING to sleep - her problem is waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to doze off again! Any suggestions?


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have you tried wikipedia? not sure if will help or not
Hi Ginster

How frustrating! I used to be like this (mainly due to stress and worrying about things), and after a few glasses of vino now I will wake up about 3 or 4am and not be able to get back to sleep and it's horrible. Not saying that's why your Mum is waking up lol

My Mum also has the exact same problem, most nights she will wake and will just not be able to get back to sleep. It's been worse since she went thru the menopause a few years ago whether that plays a factor in it (sorry don't know if your Mum is going thru it or not) but I bought her a lavender pillow mist spray from Avon. A quick spritz across the pillow before you go to sleep and she has had better night's sleep since. She does still wake up now and then but not as often. Anything lavender should help and also if whilst she is lying there, tell her to try to think about the colour Blue. Blue ocean, blue sky etc.. just see if that works :o)
Question Author
You've hit the nail on the head Wingnut! Mum does stress a lot about ridiculously pointless things but she says she can't stop herself. And, yes, it has been a lot worse since she went through the menopause!

The lavender spray sounds good - ANYTHING has got to be better than what she's doing now! Do I need to have a local Avon person to get the spray?

Thanks loads for the advice!
Hi Ginster,

Here's a link to the product:

It's buy one get one free too!!!!

As far as I can see you can order off their site and they will deliver but you have to pay for delivery, unless you try to see if you can find a rep near by who will get it for you, so you don't pay delivery.

Try to get your Mum to get a hobby, or maybe even try meditation, something that will help her keep her mind off her worrys. I took up silk painting, beading, chicken keeping (more hubby's hobby than mine but it counts as a hobby) and this has definatly helped me. Better than sitting and worrying, get a hobby, less time to worry :o)
hmmm link sends you to main page. In bottom right hand corner, type in Sleeptherapy and their range of products will come up.
Question Author
She likes reading and bloomin' Sudoku but that's about it by way of hobbies! I'll have to take up some of your suggestions to see if they help.

Thanks again Wingnut, I've just placed my order. We'll see what happens!
Snap. I`m the same. I use Avon rollerball Peace. I put some on my temples & just a LITTLE under my nose. It does help me relax & switch off. Some swear by a warm bath before bed with lavender in it, but a warm bath WAKES me up. Horlicks is another good unwinder.
PS. I think the rollerball is called PULSEPOINT.There are diff ones, in the section.
PS Again. I`ve just checked the Avon site & it is called Pulse points. At the moment, they have a 2 for 1 offer. Must get some more myself.
I think it is not typical insomnia.But see whether the link
below can help you or not.Insomnia (sleeplessness) is due to stress, dietary and medical problems. By making small lifestyle changes like having a fixeddaily routine, relaxing and eating properly, insomnia can be
cured. I found the information at usefulfor getting sleep.

it is good stuff the pillowmist is

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How do you STAY asleep??

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