This might seem like a silly question but I would like answers.I am at Universaity and am part of the netball team.However our coach is a man and quite often he has come into the changing room when we are still undressed.The first time it happened I was quite alarmed and so were the other girls but it is not so bad for them but for me it is terrible as he pretends he is looking at his clipboadrd but is constantly sneaking a look at me.I was wondering if it is legal to have a male coach for ladies and should I say something?Afterall I can hardly prove anything.
Not illegal to have a male coach but would have thought illegal for him to be wandering in and out while you're all changing. If not it's highly improper and you should send annonimous letter to your head.
He should'nt be going into the Ladies dressing room without at least knocking on the door first, i would quitely have a word with another member of staff {female} and explain that you feel uncomfortable with the situation.
you don't need to prove anything, you are making a request, and i see no reason why they should'nt address this situation
I'm sure it's as bad for everyone else as it is for you. Nobody wants an old perv hanging around. Perhaps a few, if not all of you, could get together and have a word with him and ask him not to enter the changing rooms until everyone is dressed. If he doesn't comply with your reasonable request report him.
I'd like to say that perhaps he doesn't realise that what he's doing is improper but he's a grown man and knows full well what he's doing.
We had a woman coach,a lesbian,cant say i was thrilled to have her walking in the showers and whipping the towels off the girls,'so they shower properly'the b1tch!
He does of course knock first but does not wait he knocks and then immediately comes in and if he finds we are not changed he does not walk out again.He tends to look only at me.I have noticed he stands wherever I am and stares me.O.K maybe he is just looking in my direction and not thinking about me at all but I am not happy with the situation and I know the other girls are not either.I now change in the toilet but it is hardly ideal to change in the toilet!
Electric Blue, did you go to my school??!!!!! lol. I may be a lesbian myself but still don't like being forced to strip and run naked round cold showers for the pleasure of some manky woman!
Perhaps he watches you because he knows you are gay rather than upset the other girls? Or maybe hes unsure about allowing you to change in the same room as the others in case you make them uncomfotable or stare at them? Unless you all confront him or report it then theres really nothing that you can do.
hmmm I apologise in advance if this offends but perhaps he knows that you are a lesbian and so he's actually looking at you cos he has to look somewhere if he's going to stay (which he shoudn't be!)and using mans logic thinks you wont be as bothered that he's looking in your direction?
By no means am I sticking up for him here, just trying to make you feel a bit better about a crappy situation.
laurence it IS as simple as that but this particular one loves the attention...i'm surprised he/she/it is even bothered since he/she/it goes on about how stunning he/she/it is!
I would feel uncomfortable with this and would ask him to stop. If he has coaching matters to discuss, these should be done before you are dismissed to the changing rooms or after everyone has changed and congregated in a non segregated area.
It's perfectly legal to have a male coach, but he does seem to be breaching accepted forms of conduct in these situations. Next time, he walks in, be brave and just call out for him to leave until you are all dressed. See how he likes to be embarrassed.
Actually I might just do that!!!LOL.I doubt he would like that.I think he looks at me because I am lesbain I am sure of it but I think he does it because he finds it more sexually appealing looking at a lesbain for some strange reason.And girl-lesbain why do you say girl-lesbian? All lesbains are female!LOL.
Oh and in fact most of the girls in the team are lesbain and those that are not are very good friends with me so they have no problem and I should not be answering my own question.It annoys me when people do that and it is not something I usually do.
Do you ever think maybe the other girls arent sure about you changing with them. We had a lesbian in our year and she made sure she got changed seperate because she didnt feel it was right that she showered with us