Sad loser? in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Sad loser?

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spinchimp | 09:28 Fri 14th Jul 2006 | Body & Soul
8 Answers
I work in an open plan office. I am a bit perturbed by a member of staff who seems to have nothing better to do than to invent little fantasies about make-believe colleagues and post them on the internet. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I should deal with this?
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How about inventing little fantasies about him and post them on the internet ?
Hope this helps.
Just ignore them & let them continue with their fantasies ~ they obviously have nothing better to do, and you certainly do!

How about humouring him? turn up at the office in a mini skirt, heels, wig & a chicken under your right arm.
yeah fall in love with the stalker that has nothing better to do than follow that member of staff around answerbanks and slate them for questions asked, does spinchump own shares in this websites or just sad and lonely. Judging by comment made by other members about spinchump... seems i am not alone in thinking he got nothing better to do either.... never mind someone loves you sunshine, it ain't all bad
Are they senior, junior or equal to you?

If they are doing this enough of the time to mean they're not pulling their weight it needs dealing with. If they're junior you're obliged to talk to them about it. If they're equal you could couch it in terms of "you might want to nip this in the bud before you get caught". If they're senior, you need to report it to someone they're equal to, or their manager. In all cases, you need to ensure others have noticed it too and support you.

Ahem - I'd, er, better get off here and do some work.

As should you - slacker!
Stop looking at the net when your supposed to be working
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Thanks pappasmurf. Can't think why I didn't come up with that idea.
Stop answering them?
shoot them

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