why is it that when i have an opinion that disagrees with a man, or if i get upset by something that is said. why do i get accused of being hormonal??? i'm not always hormonal, sometimes i just don't agree!!! xXx
They say it because they know it winds you up, and that makes them feel like they have control over the disagreement, so stop letting it wind you up and then they don't win! ;o)
what you ladies have to understand that a lot of the time when a man says "whats the matter with you, are you hormonal or something" it isnt meant as a mark of disrespect or anything like that. its more just a way of saying "what the hell are you on about woman".
and you have to admit you all are a bit micey!
noooooooooo dont tarnish all men with the same brush please. i would never say "oh its your hormones" wife would beat me lol. if she's pi$$ed off i just try 2 stay outta da way, or if i'm also pi$$ed off then its fun. and we always make up by bedtime, "NEVER GO TO BED ON A FIGHT"
someone made a comment about me earlier that i found quite hurtful. when i told him what i thought, he just said have you finished being hormonal now??
i'm not hormonal you just upset me!!! aarrgghh!! xXx
Hi Posy - yup, its the easy way out for men. When I disagree or have a pop at him for a valid reason, he rolls his eyes and says ' oh god - are the painters in this week?' and we all know what that means. Doll xx
are you sure you took what he said the right way posy. perhaps you grabbed the totally wrong end of the stick.
this happens all too often in heated circumstances and it can lead to all sorts of problems.
it's not just men... i had a difference of opinion with a "posse" of mainly girls on here, and they all started "take a chill pill, is it big pants week" and i was thinking "no, you just peed me off"
I find it more insulting coming from women