my dear dad passed away this week very suddenly and unexpectedly. i am heartbroken and have written a few words about him which i would like to say at his funeral. i am very emotional though, and i was wondering what would happen if at the last minute i could not go through with it. could i ask the minister to do it for me? has anyone else had a similar experience ?
yes you can no problem, or ask a younger relative, like a niece or nephew to learn it just in case, but I tell u what, you'll stand up there and you'll think., My dad, my last job for him, get it done.
Dot is right silverdaler......When my dad passed my eldest brother wanted to do the same and felt the same way, he thought he couldn't do it, but he got up there and did our dad proud as I'm sure you will do. Chin up mate, you can do it. xxx
Yes.. and you will be fine....many years ago I had the honour to read a poem by Christina Rossetti at my Dads funeral.I was 23 years old. Long time ago..My older brothers couldn't do it but I did and am proud that I did.You may falter, as I did but you will gather your courage and do it for your loved one.And will always have that happy memory of your last words to him.
I am sorry you have lost a loved one ....chin up....take care .
Oh bless you. Please do not beat yourself up if you cannot do it yourself. Silver I have been fortunate never to have to go through and can never imagine what is happening in your life at the moment, but I went to a funeral last year and a cousin stood in and said the most beautiful words that her Daughter wanted to say. As long as the words are said it does not matter who says them. My thoughts are with you orangelady
When my brother died last year, my nephew (his son) said some lovely things, very informal, just sort of remembering things about him with a few funny memories thrown in, we found that just as we were all about to cry, he came out with a daft/funny memory and we all laughed. He got a bit choked up a couple of times, but we were all rooting for him and he did a brilliant job. So will you. Tale care xxx
sorry about your dad i think it may be very difficult to speak at the funeral choose a standin who could do the reading ie someone you are close to and who knew your dad and as it your thoughts about your dad it will be very special
Hi silverdaler, I've just had a very similar experience. A family member chose to read poem called "All is well" by Canon Henry Scott-Holland, she became very emotional towards the end and the minister took over. He had previously asked whether she could go through with it and reassured her that he was on hand if it did become too much!
My thoughts are with you X
I was meant to do a reading at my brothers funeral and i couldnt do it, so the preist did it for me without me needing to ask. I thought the same would happen at my sons funeral, but i managed to find it in me to do it, even if you get up there and then feel you cannot do it no one will mind.
Very sorry to hear about your dad (((hug)))
So sorry to hear about your loss, silverdaler. Whatever you do will be fine, it's more important that you treated him well when he was alive. Try to do it for him, think of him to give you strength, but either way, if you manage to do it, it's because you loved him, if you crack up, it's because you loved him, so don't beat yourself up about either outcome. Have a substitute on hand, and do what you can. Chin up, silver, your dad'll be watching over you anyway. X
So sorry for your loss silverdaler. Some years ago I found myself in exactly the same position as you for my own father's funeral. His death and the days leading up to it had been very traumatic for me and by the time we reached the funeral II was so cut up about it that I simply couldn't get up and read what I'd written. The minister read it for me. This happens all the time in the emotion of the day so don't fret about it. Just talk to the minister beforehand about your fears. They are well used to it and you and he can just agree on a little hand signal for him to go ahead with the reading if your emotions ambush you at the last moment. Hope you get through the day OK.
hi silverdaler when my mum died three years ago my dad got up to speak but didnt finish it. no one will think any less of you if you can't do it just look around you on the day
at the love and support you will have.
your dad will be looking down at you with pride
take care xx