breast feeding and smoking in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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breast feeding and smoking

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jolarosa | 21:12 Sun 06th Aug 2006 | Body & Soul
14 Answers
i am currently breast feeding my 6 week old baby and whilst i did not smoke whilst pregnant, was wondering if 1 or 2 low tar cigarettes daily would affect my milk and nicotine passed onto by baby.
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If you haven't smoked for 10 months, why start now?
Everything that goes into your body will affect your breast milk. Also, I heard someone talking about smoking the other day on T.V and they said that even if you don't smoke around your children, you will still breath out poisonous substances for half an hour after you have smoked a cigarette. Scary stuff eh?x
plus, you will live longer to enjoy their adult years, think ahead girl.
This is the best time in the world to give up, you have a head start plus an incentive. If you start again now how will you ever give up ??? And eventually you will be smoking near your child. Good luck. The only annoying thing is, when your own child starts smoking after you have gone through all the pain of giving up !!!!!
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Try nicotine gum j, I use Nicotinell fruit 4mg, and haven't smoked since October last year. Good luck to you.
just one and your hooked again, its easier not too start again, than have too give again
to smoke now would be undoing all your efforts so far! please dont! x
If you want a reason not to smoke around your child, here it is.

Babies of parents who smoke are at a double the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

Check item 27 in the following link for more:

http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm199 900/cmselect/cmhealth/27/2708.htm

I had smoked since the age of 15. I gave up when i was pregnant with my eldest son (15) and 2 years later, i started again. It was the worst thing i ever did. I feel so guilty for all the years of puffing away in front of him. Its not on, not in any circumstance.

I got pregnant for the second time 3 1/2 years ago and gave up again. I will NEVER go back to it. I made that mistake once before so i know the perils of just having one or two cigartettes. Low tar are no better for you and you start it up again with good intentions of just having one or two per day, low tar, but the old habits always creep back. before you know it.
part 2
Why would you need one or two cigarettes a day anyway, it will soon increase when the addiction take hold once more. Please dont do it!

I watched an old video of myself a while back opening presents with my then 2 year old and was horrified that i had a cigarette in my hand whilst helping him to open them. I am soooo ashamed of that.

I feel healthier, i dont cough and wheeze when i wake up and most importantly of all, i dont inflict it on my kids, and hopefully i will be around for them for a lot longer. Think carefully before taking a step back
best wishes and congratulations on the new babyXx
what a great post julie..well done with your not smoking! x
aww thanks k@tie, it was the best thing i ever did although i did put weight on, but hey, thats a small price to pay for living longer! After all, you can loose excess weight but you can't rid your lungs of cancer quite so easily!
very true..a little love handle compared to black lungs ..i know which id prefer! well done! x

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