I don't get it. What's going on with all these aliases? Monkeys, Maria's, etc etc. I'm completely confused and don't know who to answer or what to say to any questions or answers for fear of being lynched!!! Why can't the ED put a stop to aliases once and for all - I'm starting to loathe AB - it's just a mission trying to get anywhere!!! Anyone else frustrated by it?
hi ktlou Im with you, Im baffled why anyone would spend some much time with so many different names just to wind people up. Obviously they have nothing better to do. Best thing is to just ignore em, (says me who cant help getting a dig in every now and again lol)
I'm doing my best to ignore pixi but it's so frustrating!! When I first came on here in March it was a great site - good questions, nice bit of banter, friendly people etc etc. But then some random people showed up and started winding everyone up and then all these aliases showed up too, and now I struggle to find a decent question or answer!!
(I flatly refused to answer any posts by SR and stuck to it. I'm not giving that weirdo any more attention than they deserve!)
I think we all get a little bit fed up with the greenies but you have to take the chance on it being a genuine question from a new member.
I was green once upon a time as were you and I didn't find people's attitudes towards me offensive in any way, shape or form.
Give them a chance, if they start acting up then that's the time to stay away from their questions/posts.
I guess it's a bit like life.. you meet new people and you form an opinion. some you keep as friends, some become close friends and some you just about tolerate.
Thats a good point Lore, but I think in general you can tell who the genuine new users are from their questions and complete confusion about aliases, SR etc etc. Those that post random cr@p q's and a''s immediately stand out to me. Particularly when they're names are different versions of current users or there are multiples of one name with a very slight variation!
Yes it is all doing my money nut in. I tend just to answer the quite normal questions seriously and just add my bit on the stupid questions. But there are nice greenies too and nice monkeys ie. Spacemonkey and cider monkey. So I'm very careful on what I reply to.
But thats kind of my point though 4getmenot - you shouldn't have to be careful who you answer - everyone should be able to answer everyones posts and not have to worry about if it's genuine or not!! Thats how it used to be a few months back and it was great!! I could happily spend all day on here!!
Yer but even yesterday pinkfizz put a joke and everyone went off on one at her because other people had put the same kind of thing but being serious. But when you get a question like should I have pink or brown curtains it gets a bit stupid and then people have a go and then get a reply saying 'what its a serious question' !! I think the past couple of weeks have just got so out of hand that people with serious questions that need help are being ignored and that really isnt fair.
i'm soooo confused as to what's going on!! people keep coming back as greenies and saying they are old members but i haven't got a clue who they are!! and all the russians aliases, although some of them apparently aren't her!! i give up!! i just aswer the questions of people i know, but then that's unfair on genuine new people. i just don't know who and who not to talk to!! xXx
very true 4getmenot. I've posted two questions in the last week (admitedly not on B&S) and neither had answers but were extremely genuine questions!!! I do think it's got a bit out of hand though and maybe the ED needs to start reigning people in a bit more?
thanks 4getmenot - they were silly things really - I wanted people's opinions on the new Contender series on ITV4 and also wondered if anyone was reading Kelley Armstrong books and what they thought of them!! I put them in the right categories and everything but neither one of them got a single answer!!
quiter a few users are not interested in the questions they just use the space to wind people up they only want confrontation and think they are being cleaver using different names i dont trust anyone now as i have seen some very abbusive postings its quite immature
Hi Cobra, I know who you are!! I've always known and definately don't have any probs with you! I'll see if Dot comes on here and then I'll get her to out Spinchimp!!
Perhaps nobody had a view on that programme nor have read the books. It is possible.
Using the PunkFuzz question as an example to demonstrate genuine questions is fine, providing you accept that the replies were genuine. Though it may have been intended as a 'joke' it wasn't very funny was it, hence the replies received. Even that wasn't a serious question was it, so should we have ignored that...?
Oh I saw the contender question and was going to reply but only to say I watched the last series and loved it but now because I dont have digital I cant watch this one :-( But I never used to like seeing their children watching them getting beaten to a pulp. And cant help you with other question :-)
Octavius, I never saw PinkFizz's questions so I have no idea what your talking about i'm afraid. But i'm guessing from your reply that you aren't exactly enamoured with PinkFizz. Which is one of the things I'm getting at in this post. Every post nowadays seems to turn into a b1tch fest against someone who's been mentioned or answered and usually has no relevance to the questions asked!