The other day at a restaurant I had a small piece of chocolate after my meal. While chewing it my throat seemed to close up and I could not breath. I really struggled to get a breath in for a good few seconds and had a bit of a panic. This is not the first time that chocolate has had this effect, but never before as bad as this. Any ideas what this could be? Thanks.
What sort of chocolate? Out of interest, do you have a nut allergy? It sounds like an allergic reaction but couldn't say if it was purely the chocolate hence why I ask about the nut allergy. Think the best thing might be to nip to your GP and get them to do some tests.
Thanks for your answers. I'm pretty sure its not a nut allergy. I eat quite a lot of mixed nuts on a regular basis. Don't know what choclate it was. It was just something brought out by the waiter.
Don't mean to bang on about the nut thing but just to mention that a member of my family has an alergy to just almonds, she can and does eat other kind of nuts so it might be worth checking just to be on the safe side.
Not sure but think your GP can check several things when you have an allergy so you could ask for the nut one and see if you also have a dairy intolerence or something maybe?
sounds like an allergy to me. It should be checked out as any allergy that affects your airways can be very serious indeed. It may be an asthma type reaction, they can appear suddenly. I get a reaction like this to certain dairy products, not chocolate luckily.
Intolerance to certain foods is quite common, but a true allergic reaction is rarer. Your symptoms do sound like a mild allergic reaction and it would seem sensible to check it out with your doctor as the reactions may get progressively more distressing.