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How to get rid of bad breath?

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vespaboy | 11:09 Sat 12th Aug 2006 | Body & Soul
7 Answers
I had a 'Bombay bad boy' pot noodle last night.

It was lovely while I was eating it, but this morning I've got bears breath.

Any ideas how to get rid of it?



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Yeah clean you teeth normally, rinse your mouth with lots of cold water then chew some parsley. Parsley gets rid of anything.
Parsley?? Yuck!! Cleaning my Teeth, lots of Mouthwash and a Lemonade and Lime normally works for me. Dunno why. Or eat something else I suppose.
Good Luck!!
Don't forget to clean your tongue. That's where much of the smelly breath bacteria congregates.
Accumulates, not congregates. I've just made bacteria sound like a gang of chavs.
Noxlumos is right Parsley will clean your breath or cloves but they really are vile to chew
I agree with Nox, Parsley is excellent to rid the breath from garlic, indian food and spicy foods!
coconut also helps get rid of bad breath

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