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your year so far.

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loopyc | 11:25 Tue 15th Aug 2006 | Body & Soul
23 Answers
As some of you know on here im having a pretty crappy year so far ive lost my nan, got trouble with a nutty woman, seen things i wish i had'nt to name but a few, why is it crap seems to come in a group? Every new years day i hope for a better year and im still hoping. hows you year been so far?


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its the old saying loopyc, you wait ages for a bus then 3 come in a row, some people are just born lucky/unlucky.

Things will get better i,m sure.

In answer to your question, everything rosey for me this year, new car, holiday to florida next month, new bathroom in october, hope this hasen't put you on a downer
That seems a bit bad after you�ve said that for me to say mines been great, although not as great as last as I had the best year so far then. But this year nothing that bad has happened, fingers crossed. I went through a couple of years of losing relatives and young friends in accidents. But I always think I am so much better off than most people, I have lots of friends and people who love me and people I love. :-)
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dont feel bad i like to hear that others are happy .my time will come, im glad for you both x
sorry to hear about ur bad year loopyc can only wish things will get better.....

My years been pretty good - finally got myself a fella (after 3 years of being a singleton....!) and its nearly our 1 year "anniversary" which we'll be celebrating in the Carribean in 2 weeks time!!!! wooo hooo!!

Also got myself a good job in Baker Street, which clearly involves hardly any work but pays well - they also gave me a pay rise after 3 months-which will start next month.

Kid i met at a Football Academy in Ghana has just told me he's moving to America to go to University - which is amazing news!!!!!!
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wow nat sounds like you are having a great year, good for you x
My year has been hideous and is still at the moment. But I just believe that what doesnt break you makes you stronger. Someone once said to me dont think of them as bad times, think of them as journeys. Without all the things that have happened to us we wouldnt be who we are today. I just try to find the positive in everything, only thing that saves me from going round the bend! xx
i hope things pick up for you soon life is all about good times and bad times your good times will return again
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great outlook kissyfur, i share the same out look as you, i hope your year gets better x
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thank you crete its just hard to see the woods for the trees sometimes i know things will get better, you name it ive been through it this year dont think anything else can be thrown at me, well i hope not anyway!! take care xx
what you need is a good night out on the town.
The only person who has the ability to change things is you. I have relied on others too much in the past. Im struggling at the moment with an incredibly hard degree and dont know if I have the stength to continue, I know I have it in me somewhere though!
been off work since march due to throat op, had to go to police and report a loony i was seeing for harrassment who became a stalker when i dumped him. had a fall out with friend from work via text message(don't ask)
prob have to give up my flat and move back in my dad's cause can't afford to keep the flat cause i only get SSP but
hopefully it will get better for both of us

caz x
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are you offering crete? kissy fur you sound so much like me, you will get through what ever you are going through you will grow from it and be a stronger person for it, but sometimes we all need a little help, if ever you need to talk let me know and i will give you my email address xxx
loopy, sorry to hear you're having such a bad time at present, as my mum would say, 'these times are sent to try us!'

I have to say my year has been pretty good, I have been through so much over the years - things that I don't want to go in to, but this year has been one of the best in a long, long time. my partner proposed last October in Paris, we've just bought our first house together, new car and our first baby due in 13 weeks time. my private life couldn't get any better to be honest.... work life - that's another story, it's been awful this year! :o(

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a new baby how lovely, please keep us updated on how you go, i wish you and your other half all the best xxx
Significant events in my year so far include:-

Amazing Paris trip in January, quitting job in January (literally walking out!), falling out with friend in January, getting temp job in February, moving in with boyfriend in June, making up with previous friend in June, losing temp contract in July, Mother's partner dies of cancer in July, getting new temp job in August, not seeing best friend since Christmas.

So a few highs and lows really. The job front has been particularly unstable but I'm not letting it get to me.

Hope all your problems work out soon, loops. xx
pretty crap year really, got myself into debt, gone from loving my job to hating it, desperatly want to move back home but can't afford to do it!, but i have loads of friends who keep me going, things will sort themselves out, they usually do! Hope things get better for you soon loopy x
an annus horribulus

house sale collapse
fall from loft ladder breaks back
wife goes away to nurse mum in law
mother in law dies
deep depression fow wife
daughter made redundant

but it'll get better soon
Very sorry to hear about your bad year loopc. I too had an annus horriblis a few years ago, my friends 5 year old son died, my Dad died two weeks later, my Mums best friend was diagnosed with cancer then died 6 months later, Mr Spudqueens Gran died, holiday was a disaster etc etc etc. It all started at Hallowe'en and I really couldn't wait for the next Hallowe'en to end the bad year. Bad things have happened since, but not in so concentrated a time frame. Maybe fate (or the Gods or whatever) decide that we need to get a lot of bad things over with all at once so that we don't have bad things happening every year.

Hope things improve soon.
I know what you mean loopy!
These things come in cycles. You think how much worse can things get? then wish you hadn't thought it - 'cos you find out!
I think some of it is 'the circle of life stuff ' - losing loved ones etc. Then there is the day to day existance stuff ,when they both hit the 'crap jackpot' at the same time it feels personal. As you can see from the answers a true cross section of experience. Seeing others doing well gives you hope when you are in a down cycle. As does knowing things could in fact be worse ( my check for that is, my friend in his early thirties lost his wife to Cancer last year and he has two under tens to bring up by himself).
My year this year has been good - health, wealth and happiness. Previously had a couple of crapfest years on the trot.! You win some - you lose some.

Hope things pick up for you soon. Love Sense x.

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