Following dot hawkes tragic industrial accident ,the poor woman will be filling AB with Q's & A's. To save space & time does anyone else think that she should be given a catagory to herself, & what it should be called?
oy, i take umbrage at that!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know, one calls me a sponge another starts a thread threatening to banish me to the far flung corners of the monastery, I'm not pleased you know!!!!!!!!!! I might read a book now tut.
touchy touchy dot. this has nothing to do with FF.more the way you had a pop at me last nite.
her employer seems to think its good and proper to let frail old ladies wrestle with weighty shelving. an accident waiting to happen.
Oh yes , why not let her deal with potentially suicidal indivduals who reach out for a bit of help. Oh no wait , scrap that. I read her comments to mnko. Cruel and tactless is a gross understament. So this isn't the place to discuss those kind of feelings eh but a broken toe and your 'banter' is ? Hmm. Not quite sure how that works. Isn't that what Body and Soul is for ? Surely this site is big enough to accomodate everyone's questions and if someone reaches out for a bit of help , then how dare anyone shoot them down in flames by telling them to give themselves a kick up the backside. This trivialises the idea of mental health and depression IS a recognised illness. Obviously the huge advertising campaign has been lost on some. Damn shame.
I didn't read mnko's thread ~ I am not qualified to answer it anyway, I reckon.
However, if anyone does feel the need to post a question/rant/general banal topic then you throw yourself to the lions.
Anyone who has serious concerns regarding their mental state shouldn't post here, regardless of the category it is posted in. Dot may well have been harsh, but she gave her opinion. Just as everyone else does.
I wouldn't dream of asking you to change your postings Dot - that would mean changing who you are an how you feel. Just as I have the right to post how I feel and as mnko has the right to post how HE feels and if he feels down and wants to talk to others then he has as much right as you to his post. I just fail to see how you feel justified in dictating to another what this 'place is for'. You told mnko that this wasn't the place to discuss his feelings on depression. Erm , what is Body and Soul for then ? It's a big place Dot and there is room for everyone. Pardon me though if I obviously don't share your 'banter' in telling someone who reaches out for help to 'not forget to email the editor to close his account and not make a mess' I just think that that comment was tactless and insensitive. Perhaps this is what you class as humour but judging by the comments from others , it was neither appropriate nor welcomed on this particular post. If you class my opinion as preaching then that's up to you.
Enigma, this site is within the public domain, and people posting on this site need to take into account that they lay themselves open to the opinions of other users, regardless of whether its what the poster wants to hear. Case and point on this post, you have posted your opinion, Dot posted hers on mnkos, Im posting mine. Deal with it.
How do you really know though ? I don't know mnko but i take posts like that seriously just in case. I had a friend once who kept saying that he felt suicidal and everyone got so sick and tired of hearing the same old same old all the time that one person lost their rag and roared at him to just do it - he did. So even when someone bleats on about it all the time , it may not just be all talk.