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mnko | 21:45 Sun 20th Aug 2006 | Body & Soul
445 Answers
who would you like to banish from ab for life, i need good valid reasons. and u cant banish me(not that u would want 2 i hope:-/)


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Last one Hi malibu,, some say I am a big brick well I think thats what they said, Nite all,iv'e gone !!!
nite ray...
Pips, whiffey's salon-b+b is in a mobile home trailer type thingy, thats why he gets around so much. No not just Melanie, but most end in ie - for that feminine touch!

Oh and they are hopeless at spelling...

They always get caught out (whilst on laptop) with their landlord coming in from Lidel's or Tesco's...
Jips, number 5 is free next week, that do ok ?

It'll be in Crawley by then, the hotel/hairdressing trade must needs be mobile. Melanie is a long-term 'resident'

oh bishops back,you sound BIG bricked bishop!
and its goodnight from him....

these young ones can't keep up the pace!!

Big by name...
speak for your self tictac,i've been busy with a fella called bobby tonight!!Phew,,,worked me good and proper1 in "bash the bishop"??
Oh,helloooooooo bishop!

How long would i have to stay in Number 5 before the hotel could drop me back off near home?

I could take a leave of absence from work if you could save me train fare.

I have heard you were opening other businesses in the UK is this true?

I reckon whiff must own a Winnebago. Plenty of room for a salon, Melanie & his bike.
jip just made me spit out my tea! :o)
haha electric !!

Just having a laugh, how ya doing?
whiffey........................its collapsing all around you?? and it makes my day you sad bast*rd!!!
My theory would also explain why he was climbing the ruskies drainpipe in Oxford...
Hey Pip, check out thread on flower scents, and see if you think the same as I do...
Im good tictac,,,,,,,,you?
Oi electric ~ put Mr Davro down this instant, you minx!

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