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what is wrong with fat girls?

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Delinquent | 19:20 Mon 21st Aug 2006 | Body & Soul
42 Answers
I prefer fat girls to smaller women, I am a member on


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drestie i think most of us realised it was a wind up!!!
rugby players for me too please!!
What a shame kissy! I have never met one like that!
I'm not saying all rugby players are n***s but the ones down south seem to be the snooty middle class little lad minded t**t type.
image isnt there dot!

this may show me in a better light
It was a sweeping generalisation, but just the ones I have come acorss like themselves quite alot!! Not saying they all do. Now the best ones come from NZ, wow are those boys big! MMMMMMMMM
You are one hot beast Dot!!
Oh I wasn't talking about most of you, WW - just in general. Every wind-up thread gets some serious answers, and it makes me so sad that people are so well-intentioned and spend loads of time typing out thoughtful answers :(
this is true drestie....especially when andy-hughes spends his time answering sensibly and then it turns out to be another t**t at it again!!
haha kissy! my fiance is a kiwi!!
I love you Dot.
Oh you lucky sod! I lived there for a few years, its my dream to marry a mauri. Sad but true!
I lived there too!! how weird!
mmmm some moaris are just delicious!!
oops *Maori*
Proper gents too, couldnt get over how different they were to english men!
Exactly! Thats a huge part of what I love about MR O to be!
We'll be going back to live there permenantly in a few years and I cannot wait!!!!
Whereabouts did you live kissy?
I lived in waitomo- central north island, then tauranga, and hamner springs down south. Travelled and worked really, but fell in love with the place. Im now doing a degree that i detest just so I can get residency lol!
Right im off home, give MR O a big "Sweet as bro" lol x

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