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Was it the wrist action?

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10ClarionSt | 22:04 Mon 21st Aug 2006 | Body & Soul
13 Answers
I saw an ad on TV the other day for a feminine hygeine product. It said it had to be applied to the intimate female area.

Well, I'm always willing to help. In fact, Mrs. Clarion is always telling me to get my finger out.

Anyway, I bought some and spread it all over the kitchen sink. And guess what? Nothing happened!

Do you think it was my wrist action?


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I tried mine on the hoover.
ive no idea what your on about!!

help me out here someone.... :-$
Agreed Neenee - don't understand either - perhaps he thinks he's being funny and I don't get the joke ??!!
I hope your wife isn't reading this.
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How do you make a blondes eyes light-up?
lol, yes, im blonde but im not from essex... im welsh!!!, so from wales!! lol

and im waiting of the jokes, so be my guest!! i can take it!!
Shine a torch in her ear.
I think if Mrs Clarion was reading this she would tell you where to go the next time you try to get near her actual intimate area!

im glad i wasnt the only one... i still dont get it!!!
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ive sent an e mail to stephen Hawkins and even he cant work this "joke" out, im now going to feed it into the computer from star trek

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Was it the wrist action?

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