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first impressions

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unruliejulie | 19:08 Tue 22nd Aug 2006 | Body & Soul
111 Answers
when you very first came onto answerbank, was there any poster in particular that stood out from the rest. One that seemed very welcoming and made you feel that this was a good place to be?


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That would be the millenium thread....Id been on here about a month when that started I think. Thats when I changed my name every 5 change then!

And things have turned full circle with me going back to my 1st long tem name...Zorro.....Toon was one set upcoz i got tempo banned for too many answers....something I never learned my lesson from...which is why I have had so many names.

unruliejulie, i was only playing with you lol

You seem very nice tho, i,m on a roll now lol
Kick is nice, always a no nonsense approach.

I remember someone saying welcome, can't remember who tho sorry, might have been purpose???

Havent ever felt unwelcome.
Does that sort of answer the Q?
I think I had been visiting the site for about a week, and somebody posted a Q on electric scooters (for the seniors) have to be polite, cos I'm nearly there, and Pippa had already remarked on a thread about the amount of them in our town. I posted that I lived there too, and she kindly started a little "chat". A couple of weeks later, when somebody (think it may have been ~posy~) asked where people lived, I didn't join the thread immediately, but looked at all the replies, and dear Pipsqueak had put "Worthing, home of the tomato and n00dles"...

That's when I realised I was welcome!!!
there are a couple who stood out....

Dot Hawkes, cos she said that david Boreanaz is a god - and i completely agree!! ;o)

and Andy Hughes..., i've read a few of his answers and he just sounds a genuinely lovely guy.

OMG... did someone say purpose...? Eeek...

I was one of them thar 'viewers' for ages and only came on to ask a couple of questions.

Me and thee didn't see eye-to-eye though did we, LMU...?

I must say that pretty much everyone i took an instant cyber dislike to, (in other words i had the 'ump with for one reason or t'other, for no flipping reason what so ever!) has proved me wrong. (You know who you are!)

Oh, except LMU... vile creature :0p
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laurence, feel free to play with me anytime you wish ;-)

fee, you are quite correct, we didnt see eye to eye at first but now, well, thats a different story!!!! lol still think you're verging on vile too though ;-)
some great answers people, thank you! keep em coming
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No-one has asked me who the 2 are that i reffered to in my question are yet!!! ;-)
We don't want to know LMU... we would simply be TOOOOOOOOOOO jealous............ (RB and Mr Moped?)

Vile...? Moi...?

Does anyone love me????
Hi jules and fee! <waves> How are you both?

Aww, wonder! Did I? Huge hugs, hun.

Zorr0 was the ABer who made me feel most welcome when I joined... plus he's my cyber-twin ;o)

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i was only reiterating what you said miss fee!!!! lol
How did you guess they were my 2 special men?????
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hi ws, can i ask, what makes a cyber twin?????
LOL Jules, well... almost 'twin'. We joined here a couple of days apart :o) x
Lol... LMU... we might not have seen eye-to-eye way back when, but we get on ok (eye roll) now... ya daft loon! Like i'm fick or summit...?

WS... how ya diddlin'...? Did you have a good time last Tue...? Still can't do the 'bold' thing... one day, fee... one day...
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Oh right! glad thats been cleared up. i cant imagine you looking anything like a middle aged geordie bloke who looks a bit like martin Sheen !!!!!

i stayed around on Ab because of that thread which cobra refferred to. Rb and Funkymoped made me feel so welcome and for that i will always be grateful!
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fee, do we????????????????????? lol ;-) i didnt realise!
whiffeys my all time favourite on here.
Oh WS... i joined at the same time as someone else but i can't remember who. I'm sure it was a regular type, too.

Darn it.

Who wants to own up to joining at the same time as me...?

Nah......... didn't think so :0(
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BigBishop, im sure whiffey will be happy now after his earlier post! a bit of attention for him. lol

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