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All seems very quiet... Don't you think???

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Neenee | 23:42 Tue 22nd Aug 2006 | Body & Soul
161 Answers
is there a big thread somewhere else that im missing out on... or is it generally just quiet in here tonight?


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can someone tell me how old whiffey is? and is it a female or a male... as different people call it different things?
lol oldwoman no i'm not i am just an nosy old cow and a suspicious mare to boot lol
i quite agree oldwoman, dotty has great instincts.
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i think he is about 60? perhaps someone can confirm
dont know how old he/she/it is, but i do know he/she/it is a sh1tehawk!
Haven't really seen much of Whiffey. Whats he done?
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thanks rugeley... just trying to get the full picture, been following lots of heated discussions between W-M and Whiffey of late
Is this the same Whiffey who did the same silly things on CS (cerescape)......
who is this Whiffey?
yes redbel, the very same one!
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what happenend on there redbel, what he do?
now there's a question EMS, dont know where to start there's that many aliases.
I heard he caused chaos on there with different usernames.....someone posted it on here some time back.......
i think whiffey is also some of the russian aliases
whiffey is a sad case of a person who invents other names so he can have indepth converstations with himself?

W~M has suggested he uses these alias's to gain the trust of young folk, AKA,children thus making him a kiddie fiddler! after reading and anylising his threads for a week or so i would tend to aggre that he is a sexual depraved person that should be banished from the public arean and sent behind bars for the rest of his natural life?
so people reckon he signs on as many people do they?
oops sorry about the speeling...i rushed it a bit! but you get the idea?
it's this full stop then no space thing u see, he does it on purpose as a double bluff, so we will think, well whiffey knows we watch for that and so he isn't gonna do it againm, but he always does, like i said, i don't like being taken for a mug
yes and he may well have regisred a name a few weeks ago and let it go grey and be anybody else that we wouldn't notice

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All seems very quiet... Don't you think???

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