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why i am so angry ?

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crete | 14:22 Wed 23rd Aug 2006 | Body & Soul
61 Answers
when i first came to this site i expected some fun and humour most of the time i have not been disappointed, but have just replied to a post in the law section and i am soooo angry that in our country to day someone has found themselves in a dreadful situation because of red tape they have been left in a unsafe environment and it is not good enough im sorry if this is not the etique of the site but a person who is vulnerable in any way should not be obliged to fight for their rights . ps would the spelling police not bother posting thanks


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yesmadam maybe we could continue this discussion later when the sad person goes away to read his books cause he has no friends
lol, I wasn't expecting that either... party on dude, it's all that's left.... i'm gonna put on Cheech and Chong!!!....
Actually I�m Female and your post should have said, �because she has no friends�, not �cause he has no friends�.
I do actually have friends but they are at work! My friends are real, not like yours, who are in Cyber Space!
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a wee dance great as for the boring person not interested
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have they gone ? great
awwww, bless 'em. Probably a latch key kid waiting for parent/s to get home from work.
Shame they didn't post on the subject really. Still never mind. Seems a bit of a hot tattie for b+s really... :-(
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hot tattie a wee give away there re place of residence
oh dear, red herring there I'm afraid.... I'm in the deepest of Kent countryside :-) where are you?.. :-)
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im where we would talk about hot tatties !'re not new on here and neither am I..... pray do tell... does one use another site?..... big beams to you btw....:-)
i dont understand what is wrong with asking disabled people to work? in a wheelchair, catheterised etc, dosent mean you cant work ... people get in the benefits systems and their ummph is taken away. Why shouldn't disabled people have to ring up and sort out their own benefits and situation, thus empowering them to take some control of their life?
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yesmadam could we pick this up to morrow dinner to make i would not have a problem giving my e mail address out to someone with a bit of sense we may have some things in common
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can see someone is really sympathetic to disabled peoples issues
Hi bednobs, have you ever worked in any capacity for any incurable diseases that dont just put people in wheel chairs. If you have no understanding of diseases like Motor Neurone Disease I dont believe you have the right to say that. Please don't take offence. That is for the likes of people like me being told to go back to work. I will have my neuro with me every step of the way thanks, but some are not so fortunate. and MND is one of many diseases that destroy more than just the legs and bladder. Or do you believe we get these diseases deliberately? I had a bl00dy good career ahead of me. I can no longer sustain that. 3 yrs ago I had to stop working so with respect, go and tell it to all the people who cant work now. And NO!!! it is not through choice.
sure, :-) with pleasure, look forward to it.
I'm at ....
[email protected]

Have a lovely evening crete... ;-) xxx
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really must go but keep shouting the only way forward
i guess you are referring to me? I am sympathetic, but dont understand what is wrong for people on benefits to be helped back to work, and i gather thats what the review of incapacity benefit is about. People who feel like useful members of society have ess depression, and feel better, surely. The reason i feel so strongly re this situation is because i myself use a wheelchair, but work full time, although i could have vegetated after my diagnosis, i want to carry on being useful as long as possible, and iff there is a scheme to hlp other people back to work, i am all for it, even if its only for a few hours a week. having worked as a nurse, i also realise that taking everything awway from people by doing everything for them is not a good thing and dosent foster empowerment or any feelings of control, but conversely may make the person more helpless, and less able to cope with further crises. You need to give people coping strategies rather than just say "ill sort that out"
i am not saying that all disabled people can work, because clearly some cant, but havin a review if there is any way you could do some work is surely a good thing? Rather than paying benefits ad infinitum, if you have a reviw and you cant work, all well and good. If you can work, fantastic!
I'm fully aware of my own capabilities and still have pride. I dont need some idiot telling me "Hi I'm here to get you off benefits" when they've had in depth reports from my neuro. I'm very happy you can still work. I am saddened that it's a blanket demand. Sure, people with depression should be working, I thoroughly agree with you. And I'm sure people swinging the lead with "bad backs" etc should be working.
I cannot go back to work now. I also dont recieve incapacity benefit. Only DLA for my getting up needs.
As I stated, this needs to be ironed out thoroughly before implemented but it wont be.
Sorry crete, wont fill up your in box any more today..... xx
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please help ypurself i dont look it as my box im happy if anyone can make good use of it

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