Confused and Very Sleepy!! Please help in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Confused and Very Sleepy!! Please help

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Em-J | 18:49 Thu 24th Aug 2006 | Body & Soul
13 Answers
My husband and I have been trying for a baby since about February now, and I have always had my period every 29 days spot on. I am currently 6 days late for my period (my last one started on 20th July) and have no other real tell tale signs that I am pregnant except my boobs are slightly sore and have darkened. I have done 4 pregnancy tests since Sunday (all negative) and have also dropped off a urine sample into the doctors this morning which I am convinced is going to be a no, since one of the tests I did myself was also this morning. I havent been stressed over anything, life is pretty easy going, so I dont know what else could be causing my period to be late. Im just hoping you could help shed some light on this for me, have you heard of any other cases where a woman is pregnant and no pregnancy test confirms it, and how long should I wait with no period before doing something about it? (Im 23) Any advice would be very welcome!!


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with my 3rd child I was the same, sometimes the early tests are negative ( can't remember how the doctor explained this, was 14years ago!). But I was so sure and the doctor kept saying it was very unlikely, as i was also breastfeeding my other child and on the mini-pill. But as it turns out i was, only after internal examination the doctor knew for sure.
Hey Em,

I don't want to raise your hopes but this is certainly not uncommon......

My sister did 12 home pregnancy tests and 2 at the GP before it finally confirmed that she was - she just 'knew' - but wasn't trying.....she is now 6mths pregnant!!

One of the first signs for my pregnancy was extreme tiredness - I would be asleep on the sofa every night by about 5pm for an hour or so, then in bed by 10pm at the latest!...I also hand sore/tender boobs

hope this helps - good luck

A xXx
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Oh I now, I fell alseep last night about 7:15 on the setee and was fully out cold in bed by 8pm only to be woken by my alarm at 7 this morning. I finished early at work too cause I felt so dizzy and a bit sick, but have managed to stuff my face now, as was really starving all of a sudden!! So would you recommened if docs test comes back as a no and still no sign of my little red friend I should ask for another test? Thanks both for your help!! xx
Definitely - if you did a urine test with your GP they are similar to the home ones and can be inaccurate during very early pregnancy - ask for a blood test as they are much more reliable

A xXx
Em-J, I have never been pregnant but others I know who have been say that darkened nipples and sore boobs are DEFINITELY a sign of pregnancy! I hope we can congratulate you when you find out the results of the urine test! :)
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Oh I know, really trying not to get my hopes up ya know but its so hard, especially being caught in this limbo - god damn it why can nothing I do be a straight forward yes or no!!!!! Really strange cause I am dizzy tonight and tired, but not really exhausted just feel spaced out (then again dont I every day?!) My friend who was pregnant recently said that she started to get loads of spots and thats one thing I am getting in full force!!
Sore breasts and darkening are definitely a sign, and it is certainly possible to get an early negative result from the test. Also extreme tiredness and dizziness are common in early pregnancy. Please keep us updated. x
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Well my breasts are a bit sore, but I wouldnt say their killing me - they have def been worse at one time or another, but they are def darker - I dont know why things arent just straight forward!!!
Hi Em-J

Something my sisters doctor always told her.... A negative test can always turn to a positive, however, a positive can never turn to a negative!!

My sister , when she fell pregnant 15 years ago, was told by her gp that no, she wasnt pregnant, did urine samples everything, and still negative..... however, a few more weeks later.... she was pregnant.. and she was convinced she was, said she felt different, she wasnt even planning t have a child at the time, but had slight syptoms that she could be, ..

so, fingers crossed eh
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Hi, just phoned doctors this afternoon to see if my urine test was back - it was. Asked if I could have the results and she said yes she would just get them, when she came back on the phone she said that Id have to come down the surgery to get them as she couldnt say over the phone - my heart lept thought surely it must be a yes and I'll need to make an appointment to see the doc again. Rushed like a luney down there, only to be told it was negative!! I am now on day 7 without a period and have flet sick as a dog all morning (not been sick though) and been having shooting pains in the left part of my back and lower tummy - hummm the saga continues!!......
sorry to hear they got your hopes up like that.
Try and relax for a week and then test again. It may just be that the hormone is very low (ie very early pregnancy) or that youve missed a period.
Let us know how it goes
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Hi All, just to let you know my period came with avengance yesterday morning after 9 days late - oh well never mind another month.... thanks all for your advice.
Wishing you well
Hi Em J - don't worry, I am sure you will have your wish very soon. Just keep healthy and keep hubby healthy too - lots of fresh fruit, veg, seeds and nuts, oily fish and plenty of water and sleep. You might try and give him a zinc supplement too for healthy sperm. Take care and I wish you both well. Amara xx

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