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Champagne | 10:29 Thu 31st Aug 2006 | Body & Soul
15 Answers
Have to eat nothing but slugs?
Or be a slug?
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be a slug.
eat them, id cover them with salt and hope that they disappeared.
are we talking the little grey/beige slugs or the big fat black ones?
Well I eat snails so eating a slug is the just the same but without a home I imagine, couldn't get his slimy foot on the property ladder maybe.
big fat juicy ones, grey with orange go faster stripes!!!!!!!
i once put lots of slugs in a bucket and put a lid on it ( i was very little and i think i planned to feed a hedgehog) i forgot about it and i think they must have eaten each other cos there was only one left when i looked so really it makes no difference if a slug is a cannibal : )
Have to take my chance as a slug, making sure I kept out of my grandads garden (he tends to go a little crazy with the salt!).
they're nice fried.
I'll eat the slugs.
ask whiffey, he/she/it is a slimy git,that leaves a trail of slime in there wake, or crete,oh sorry it's the same weirdo !!!
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Keep yer bitchin' for your own thread please!
...I'd rather be a slug.... though I hate the little blighters, had to remove 3 from my kitchen the other night , yuuuck.....thank god they were only smalish ones, my daughter , who's 12 came screaming into the house and insisted I go out into the front yard to see a huge slug, now she is prone to exagerate so off I went
...but oh my god! it was about 6 inches long and about 3 inches wide....I thought it was a dog turd at first, but then it moved....eeeeeew....I'm scared....
I eat Whelks, lots of vinegar and pepper, luvly grub, Sea Snails, is that the same thing?.
i'd be a slug - but i am ambitious and would harbour a desire to move up in the world and become a snail...own home etc.
i've always liked caravanning, so...

i wonder if slugs sell the big issue to snails??

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