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dot.hawkes | 16:02 Thu 31st Aug 2006 | Body & Soul
103 Answers
How do people handle this? It isn't just children that can be bullied, I have felt bullied today on the thread in the suggestions category, having been bullied when i was 10 I experienced the fear and trauma first hand. How have you managed to grow inside to shrug off the attempts to belittle you and make you look stupid? I had a 17 year marriage in which i was constantly bullied but for 11 years i have struggled to find myself and I am proud that I have enough self esteem to say i will never back down to bullies again, whether they be real or pixelated.


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Nobody tries to tell me what to do get off my case, i change for noone.
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anybody else can't take the heat?
cretinz, green, created just to make that comment, lacks credibility, sod off.

LOL of course.
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hi madge yer loon
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no whiffey they came on a week ago and were rude to B00 and insulted AB and also implied they were on CB topo, so no greenie
I'm not asking you to change, what are you going to do? Slag off everyone who dares to post?

Reflect maybe on some of the comments?
But it IS a greenie ? So who is the real person ? Why not post under original name ?

Obviously not an Emmerdale or Eastenders fan.
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joby it is a web site you can tuern it off at any time
Dot, why are being patronising?

I know all that dear, just like you, I presume you have an off button??

Why are you having a go at me??

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I'm not joby honestly I am only half paying attention as there is a film on and i am just dipping in everytime a get a new post, but it's boreing now eh? especially as whiffey is starting to make sense, that's when we should all run for cover.
Again dot assumes I am hiding behind a fake ID, of course its bl00dy fake, the Site Rules tell us to use a made up name! How many times do I have to spell it out to you, I have never been on this site before the beginning of August. Shall I tell you the reason why I waited to turn "grey" before posting? There was so much tension with new people appearing, and mass hysteria as to who they were, and a general nastiness to anything 'green' that I just sat back (actually I didnt, I was busy) and allowed the time to pass. Any occasion that I looked in at the site, I resisted posting whilst still green. Scared? You bet, it was like MacCarthy's witch hunt!!!! Those 2 weeks gave me a good insite to the answerbank, so when I first posted I did not feel quite so new and certainly not green.

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but you had kept lots of notes about everyone I can tell
Whatever dot, you started the row, a new thread and now you are bored!! ok then.
And whiffey makes sense??
Question Author
no i didn't say whiffey made sense but he is starting to, lol I am not bored with the thread i am bored with the repetition.
I just had brown rice and chilli sauce 2 nights on the trot, forgive me if I am feeling a little windy. Streuth, and licorice for afters :)
What in 4 weeks, I don't think so. You might spend day and night on here dot, but I certainly don't. Today has been a one off. Boy, last time I make a comment, when your around. Face it, the majority of people know you for what you are, and perhaps for some this is judgement day, where they can "get it off their chest(s)". Perhaps up until now they haven't said anything, just to keep the peace. You started it all dot, by accusing me of attacking/having a go/criticising you on another thread, and it has turned around and bitten you on the face!
any link for frogers BOO ? hi dot i'm sure no one want's to tread on your toes :-)
The original post has been deleted but i did see it earlier.

The problem is that someone can post a statement about anyone on here and if they dont name names (its against rules to target an individual) then a few people may think it is written about them.

I could say something like 'a certain person on here is annoying everyone with their whinging' and i reckon at least 5 people would retaliate and say Im ppicking on or bullying them. Or how about 'someone here is always posting dumb questions' or 'someone here thinks their gods gift to AB', again numerous people would think i was talking about them.

Come on, if you look at it that way, how can you know for sure it was directed at you?

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