Is it wrong to have explicit phone sex with a married man? I am lesbian so have never done it but I need to settle an argument with my friend.I do not think it is cheating but she thinks it certaintly is.
OK i shall help you out here. This question shall disappear very soon. I suggest that you go and check out the question you asked about 2 weeks ago when you said that calling and texting a married woman wasnt cheating and just take the same answers (substituting the married woman for married man).
Problem solved :)
Oh and youre still a troll, should think this is a serious question.
My original post was is it wrong to ophine a married woman.This post is is it wrong to have phone sex with someone married.There is a difference between just talking to them and having phone sex.
ok so if its wrong to flirt and lead a married woman on like the previous question was talking about, then how could you think that phone sex was less wrong?
OMG can see now why you arent at uni.
once agian you fail to grasp that if you chose a user name that did not have a Russian reference you would be taken sseriously. Tell u what, try it and we will see who spots it is you without the in-your-face clue.