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Matchmaking on the AB...

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whiskeysheri | 22:01 Thu 31st Aug 2006 | Body & Soul
125 Answers

~Posy~ and I have been talking and we think AB needs lightening up after today...

I think there are a few potentially perfect couples here on AB, so, who do you think are a match made in heaven? Any ideal matches?

WS & ~P~ xxx


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Oh so YOU get stars,,well well!!
WM + fee-is-me
any particular reason noods??
Noods and wishful thinking,,hahahahahaha,,,doh!
Cobra and all the blonde babes
what about andybaird 68 and me seeing as we are both nearly AB virgins!
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Aww, electric, you did too! (Page 1)

That's the idea, n00dles! :o)
andy made a nice comment about you on 1st page, estie...

posy you and stevie seem to gell on your exchanges...
the vibes, the vibes...
i hope that does not include me tictactoe ...!!!!
how u doin blondebird
me and whiskey should run away together!! ggggrrrrrr. she's a hotty!!!
OOps, sorry blondebird...

In my spare time i'm a Minder, and I have a client who has asked me to keep all you lovely blondes at bay...

(He is rather shy, and cannot handle more than one at a time)...

Knowing the prowess of Cobra, I thought he could cope quite adequately...

n00dles hurriedly digs another hole
I have not seen the Blondes tonight are they still around?

How can you "nearly" be a virgin? lol
Not seen them as yet, no

Late night blondies, usually...
*chokes on diet coke after reading this page*

Oh my giddy aunt. I nearly fell off my chair, then.

ttt.... i thinketh not, you mad-minded wotnot!

Granted, we have... er... different similarities of a certain nature... but perhaps not an IDEAL match :0)
"different similarities of a certain nature"

mcfluff, you are needed again..........
Night folks it has been amusing. I may drop in again. You are all mad.
nite andy!
Are but you forget missy fee, I was on that thread on that evil night when you and Wardy tried to exchange email addy type thingys, well he tried to give you a coded message, which took a little while to sink in to your pretty little head...but in the end I think you connected with the code and hey presto, I was no longer party to the proceedings...your honour...

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