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gerkin | 13:19 Wed 06th Sep 2006 | Body & Soul
18 Answers
If one day UK became an islamic nation would christmass be banned in this country ?


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Someone is opening a can of worms!!!!!!
I don't think Turkey or Indonesia do

But given that the muslim population of the UK is 3% I think it's a bit hypothetical!
They have already BANNED xmas in some schools!!!!!!
I think the worms are coming out that can !!
IF is a big word, it won't happen full stop
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Oh for goodness sake, whats the point of a question like this, other than to stir up anti-muslim sentiment? There is enough of that on this site already.
Pakistan is about 97% muslim.

In Pakistan, December 25 is a public holiday, but it is in memory of Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan. Like in India, Christians make up a small part of the population and therefore Christmas is not recognised nationally but is accepted & tolerated as part of the christian calendar.

In Christian households, cards and presents are exchanged. People wear their best new clothes and visit friends houses which are decorated for the festivities.

In Christian villages people go to Christmas Day services, which in Urdu and Punjabi is called 'Bara Din', the Big Day. Punjabis like bright clothes so it is a very colourful occasion. The traditional Christmas greeting in Punjabi is 'Bara Din Mubarrak Ho', which means, the blessing of Christmas on you.

In Saudi Arabia however, it is forbidden to celebrate Christmas although when I was there, the expat community went out in to the desert for a big christmas knees up. The local police and bedouins know what was going on but they allowed it to continue as it is "unseen". There was even rumour of CD tracks being edited so that song titles with the word christmas in were changed to say winter. Ever heard the song, I'm Dreaming of a White Winter?!!
gerkin, sorry to be such a grammer nazi but theres only one s at the end of christmas!! The day this country becomes an Islamic country, is the day I'm on the first plane out of here!!
why not give the country away now ??

there are so many bloody foreigners in here now its a joke. kids cant celebrate CHRISTmas in some schools as it is, but they can do dewali...
they are taught multi cultural religions including christianity and are expected to be very receiving of children from all around the world...
in my eyes CHRISTmas has been taken away from the schools and we may as well give the rest of what little we have left to the rest of the world..

i used to be very proud to be ENGLISH, now im not !
Oh right so this 'foreign invasion' is a new thing then?
Seeing as you have not really answered the question, perhaps you might want to take a look back over our own hitsory and recall.....

The Roman invasion (43)
Picts and Scots invation (about 436)
Angles and Saxon invasions (449 ish)
Scandinavian invasions (792/793)
Danish invasions (bought under Dane law) (886)
Norman conquest (bought under French rule) (1066)
The Germans (well...almost) (1940-summink)

Funny how England survived through and prospered because of all this. Must be something to do with integration and acceptance of multi-culturalism.
octavius , do you mean u k ? rather than england i think wales scotland and ireland were involved in world wars . and invasions .
What schools have banned Christmas?
whyme - sorry to be such a spelling nazi but grammar is spelt with an AR not and ER....
stop being so picky joko.
crete, of course you are right, I was just referring to funkeymoped's primary focus on being English (not British).
joko, make you right. x
crete - try reading the whole thread before butting in - you will see whyme's almost identical post criticising someones spelling, yet calling it grammar, and also spelling it grammer.

if people want to start digging at others spelling and grammar, they should perhaps not make glaring errors themselves

no big deal, just making a point.
Octavius, im English. my passport may say im British, but i am in fact English.
nothing against Wales, Scotland or Ireland... im English..The Flag of St. George is the one i show most respect .

hope i didnt give the impretion Christmas was banned in my kids school, it wasnt. but it was scaled down..

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