My daughter how is 5 years old has a tooth absess. Although she is on antibiotics I seem to remember more natural things I could put on the gum to speed the healing process, i.e. oil of cloves, garlic etc??? Is removal of her milk tooth really the only way and will she require a "spacer" to be put in place so her secondary teeth come through straight? If so how will this spacer be fitted. Can the absess heal up on its own. The milk tooth is apparently dead - did the absess cause this. Sorry for all the questions but I am mortified this has happened as we are always so careful with her teeth/diet.
The abscess was caused by the dead tooth. The tooth died because of decay usually or occasionally trauma (uncommon in very young children).
The tooth is the source of infection and only its removal or root canal treatment (not really possible in a young child) will clear the infection permanently.
Once the source of infection is removed the abscess will heal on its own. DONT try anything else to attempt healing you'll likley just make matters worse.
Thank you for your answer MrLXA, do you know whether a spacer will be required as I have heard that the loss of the milk tooth can cause the secondary teeth to come through very crocked.