I have the same problems with my feet as I tend to walk about barefoot ~ inside the house & out in the garden.
I do use vaseline intensive care, although not on my feet as I too found it makes no difference. I use Flexitol Heel Balm and it works a treat..I noticed a difference within a couple of days. I have tried lots of other remedies which all failed ~ couldn't believe it when this one worked!
Australian Heel Balm, from Boots is excellent, my mum had the most awful, deep cracked heels and within a week they had cleared up, couldnt recommend it more highly!
CCS Foot Balm and Gel, available from most chemists on the foot counter is even better than Flexitol in my experience. You need a product containing 'urea!'!!! Look for it on the label. CCS balm at �5.99 contains 25% urea and the cream 10%, so it's best to start with the balm. I suffered for years with dreadful cracks, but since using this have not had any problems. Flexitol contains urea as well, so as the others have said it is good.
I'm with sunflower - love the Body shop Hemp stuff, it works a treat for me, tho admittedly, it's an "unusual" smell...just as well it's on your feet lol
I get very dry, cracked feet and find that Emulsifying Ointment works a treat for me. It's got a really thick, almost waxy, consistency and seems to work almost instantly. I think you can buy it from most chemists but Boots definitely stock it.