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sandrajo | 22:52 Mon 18th Sep 2006 | Body & Soul
31 Answers
Do you role-play online?


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I'm presuming you mean games right? if so then yeah, started on Runescape now I play World of Warcraft- now that is REALLY addictive!
world of warcraft, thats a new one to me B00. tell me more my friend.
ok ok. we'l stop carrying on. no doubt some people online to create false personas. i come across as a perverted sexist pig, when in reality im degree educated and manage pubs for a living.
aaaah, the truth is out.
Hiya stevie- sadly it aint a freeby like RuneScape is. You buy the game AND pay a monthly charge, but woahhhhhhhhhh is it worth it. The game literally blows you away with the sheer size of it and the graphics are gobsmackingly good. Also the beauty of it is that because you've to pay for it there isn't as many kids playing. I highly recommend it.
Oh I see, did Sandra not mean games?

She meant like me pretending to be a dull almost middleaged housewife when in reality I'm a 6 foot blonde supermodel?

Then no, I don't ;-)
i'd love to go out with a tall lady for a change.
see how i reverted to stereotype there? smooth as silk. lol
Yep, behave yourself stevie!

sorry B00, it was a momentary slip.
those evil days are behind me. but i shall go and stand in the corner for a while anyhoo!!
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lol Boo you caught on at last, roleplaying as in being something you are not but enjoying the ride (so to speak)
I must be myself, cause I seem to upset as many people on here as I do in real life. I think my name should have been interfering old bag.
God no sandra- I make an ar$e of myself on here often enough as me, can you imagine the carnage if I pretended to be someone else?

Doesn't bear thinking about- recommend World of Warcraft instead, rofl!!
Can't be bothered with all that crap, I am me and thats it, if it ain't good enough, tough poopy. xx
I'm really a fighter pilot (stealth bombers) with 20/20 vision...

As I have to keep it all hush-hush, I pretend to be approaching wrinkly time, with just a few years to go before I collect my bus pass...

Oh the trials and tribulations one suffers for one's country...
"tough poopy"! You really would say that face to face with someone?
why should anyone pretend to be what they aren't must have very sad lives,if they feel they have to make up lies to impress people they will never meet, when I say "tough poopy" pickalily i mean if they don't like me or what I am, that is not my problem I will not pretend,if you tell lies you must have a good memory
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how do you know you will never meet them? that is a lesson in itself to be honest
I agree with your sentiments Ray but could you really say that and keep a straight face ? Come on have you ever said it out loud to someone?
Nope, I'm always just me.

It's a good job really, as I met PinkFizz on Friday, although you'd have to ask her if I was how she imagined I would be. :o)
good evening sir raymond. as always it is a pleasure to have you with us.
in all honesty i can say that i have never told a lie on AB. whats the point. just be who you are then people can decide for themselves to either take you or leave you.

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