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Christening Speech!!

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Homer55 | 09:04 Thu 28th Sep 2006 | Body & Soul
6 Answers
One of my best friends has asked me to be a godfather for his child which is fantastic. But I have to do a speech at the church. I need help. What do I say?


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at my god-daughters christening we didn't have to make our own speech, we just had to repeat what the Vicar said.
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Well thats what I thought, so I dont know if hes having me on. but if he isnt i want to be prepared. so any ideas would be greatly appreiciated. thanks
It's very unusual, but I guess not unthinkable.
And why would anyone make a 'speech' at church? You might be asked to do a reading from scripture or a poem, but not create a speech, that is what the priest does in his sermon.

Nonetheless, aside from thinking your mate is pulling your leg, you might be called upon to make a speech, even if it is at the party after.

Something along the lines of being a good friend of the mum and dad, how long you have known them, how you were delighted to hear they were having a child and how proud you are to be the godfather, but cannot understand why they named it Lucifer/Damian (I am joking of course). Nothing tooo sentimental, but you could also thank everyone for joining them on their special day and wish the child and it's parents a very happy and healthy future and assure them that you will be there to help them all the way.
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Thanks octavius, that a big help!!! Oh well i better get scribbling down some ideas.
If indeed you really need to read something this is perfect -
I've never heard anyone do a speech at church. And I've been to a few christenings in my time! As Octavius says, the party afterwards might be the place. A friend of ours is a member of the clergy and always asks why people are having a party afterwards. She thinks it's just an excuse for people to get drunk, which she frowns on if it's linked to this important religious event.

And there's only one Homer - ME!

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Christening Speech!!

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