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well we are havin a love-in tonight

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mccfluff | 23:10 Fri 29th Sep 2006 | Body & Soul
33 Answers
so what will you be bringing, i'm bringing sleeping bags, lots of beer, nibbles, anyone else gonna chip in?


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It will be Mccfluff, I promise
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Boo i have enough, plus i know how to make the things can keep you and mermaid in fancy fondant heaven
Can I join if I bring hot chocolate (laced for those who have to have their alcohol!) with loads of cream on top, my favorite teddy and a chocolate fondue with marshmallows and fresh fruit? Oh, and ice cream of course.
Pink - you OK and over crisis? Hope so.
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oh carakeel, yes please, with cherry's on top
fluff, whats happened? the love-in has died!!

open up the cyber pringles will you???
Question Author
err pringles are open and we have dips
where's my mutton chops tonight?

maybe a bit of oldtimers?
sorry for the delay mccfluff, cherries are on their way! Had to go make my nearly 90 year old mum a hot water bottle. She is settled now, tucked up with hot water bottle under her feet, a Sherry and some biccies by her side, my little Shih-Tzu cuddled up on her lap and her favorite dvd of Morse. So easy to please!
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well that s so cool carakeel, i'm about to streak through ab to try an wake everyone up!
is this for real?
yes bubbly, why whats the problem??
I just didn't think it was possible to gather a bunch of people on the internet that you probably don't even know and invite them over. It is just kind of strange.......
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oh bubbly how innocent!

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well we are havin a love-in tonight

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