Is anybody else getting the kind of rain that makes you wonder if God is in a bad mood ? It is ferocious, and I can barely hear the cars revving up for the Croydon Grand Prix.
Unfortunately NO !! and G0D do we need it !! however I'm on the wrong side of the world so what you're getting won't help at all. Am most intrigued though, didn't know Croydon was on the Grand Prix Circus - have a fun afternoon XXX
Think yourself lucky you were not where I live last Monday.
I had water pouring through my kitchen ceiling and severe damage to my roof..It was monsoon conditions !
shaneystar, I would gladly exchange where I live for Norfolk, even given the weather.
One day last year I picked a Norfolk village off the cover of the RAC road atlas - Tuttington, near Aylsham - and drove there for a look. It was gorgeous, I got out of the car and heard just sheep. Marvellous. One day, one day......
Well whiffey you are jolly welcome to come and empty the buckets of rainwater in my kitchen !
It was freak weather though ..mind you the fourth time this area has been flooded since the beginning of August..but last week was horrendous .The drains are so old they couldn't take the water and one pumping station broke down.At least we are further down the coast and high up so it didn't affect us by pouring over the doorstep unlike some of the poor people up the road in Yarmouth .And the council had the cheek to charge for sandbags !
Not normal for Norfolk though as we are usually the driest part of the country.