Was just wondering this morning - we all often mention our other halves on here,so what do they do for a living? Where do they work?Is their job unusual or not?
Mrs OBonio is a critical care nurse. ITU and HDU in Swindon's new shiny hospital. Lots of dying / dead people to deal with. Not something I could do or would want to do...
My Husband is (wait for it, it's a long title) a Yeoman of the Guard, Queen's Bodyguard, Gentleman inextrodinaire, or Beefeater to you or me. Which means I get to live in the Tower of London and no I don't get to try the jewels on, Liz is very strict about that.
NO! You'll get me killed.
Alright, Long dark hair, ex RADA , aged 38, does film and theatre. If you can get her from that her name is yours.She's not terribly well known so don't get too excited.
My hubby works for himself as a courier, but since his skin graft he can't work at the mo and I think he's changed his occupation to professional pain in the bum hole!! :-))
Yeah it is a cool address, especially when you write, Her Majesty's Royal Palace and Fortress, The Tower of London at the top of you letters out, home insurance is cheap too, as we have an armed guard (not many people have that).