Lets say there is no GOD... Then why is he so popular... Let me ask you a question... Do you see everything in life has (2 Sides)... If there is "black" there is "white"... "good","evil"... "Day","Night".. even a "human body" has 2 of everything...eyes,hands legs even balls. WHY?.. Everying in life has a "PURPOSE"... You go to SCHOOL for a purpose.. You Work for a Purpose? Well you are here for a purpose... And everyone has the SAME PURPOSE... NOTICE even "INSIDE YOU" there is also 2 Personalities... GOOD and BAD.. when you are about to do something BAD your "CONSIOUS" talks to YOU.. if YOU DONT LISTEN... ONCE.. a TRAIL BEGINS.. Example "CHEATING ON YOU SPOUSE?"... At the end of your life YOU HAVE TO SAY WHAT PART DID I """FEED"" THE MOST.. did i cross the 50% mark for being GOOD.. or i did "BAD" things in LIFE. See If you did bad... that is fine as long as you DONOT REPEAT again...