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How did all spend your weekend?

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PinkFizz | 12:27 Mon 09th Oct 2006 | Body & Soul
717 Answers
Did you weekend go according to plan or not? Did you do anything that you wouldnt normally do,and where did you go? And did you make the most of it or was it 2 days that you could have done so much more with?


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I have never done it in my parents bed...
me neither nat
ive never had a 3 some :~(
but i have had sisters:~)
hehehehehahahaha pass me the 5 iron!
woaa good lad fms! Not at the same time surely !!
I have never "potted the brown"......
went to uni in southampton... have done parents bed, have potted the brown, havent had sisters :-(
I dont know what pottin the brown is- is it em back doory stuff?
I used to know a guy that went to Southampton uni...i THINK his name was Lawrence....mixed race guy...quite tall...? Cant remember what he studied.

Gosh admarlow - you have done just about everything..and u naughty boy for doing it in ur parents bed!
yeah spk - the back door route...or should i say brown door route...
I have done that then ! Lol- try anyfink once me :O)
oh Laurance!!! I know him!! (just kidding nat - sorry...)
ha ha you girls have made me feel dirty :-(
now i feel batter spk!!! ha ha ah aha aha
My boyfriend wants to but im .....weary, shall we say...

Now i bet everyones thinking about sex admarlow - not just u this time hun ;o)
ha ha ha I wasn't actually!! yea I bet you are all now..

ok I have never dressed up (Miss Admarlow does instead)
No i haven't....NOW i feel boring..... :o(

Is wearing a football shirt to bed dressing up....?

Thought not :o(
no unfortunately not at the same time but in the same bed;~)
i thought blokes wer sposed to thnk about it evry 3 mins
whats the ultimate dressy up outfit you would like a lady in Boys? Obviously the turtle one we will take that as read
im not sure I think its nice to have a change...although I think a schoolgrl is going to be the next one..if I could only ever have 1 it would just be sexy undies...

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