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for the men..

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blueyes | 14:32 Thu 12th Oct 2006 | Body & Soul
25 Answers
what dress size do you like your women to be?
i feel in this country we are all bombarded with images of skinny girls, but is this what you men want?
the average size is size 16 but i feel that most men would feel that was overweight or fat.


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That all depends how tall you are. A size 16 at 6ft would be slim but at 5ft might look fat
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ward-minter you sound like a perfect man.
Horses for courses - I'm afraid I have no idea about dress sizes, so I'll give examples using known people.

I like Angelina Jolie sized/shaped women, although with smaller breasts, whereas a friend of mine likes his women biiig.

I've got a girl friend (i.e, a friend that just happens to be a girl) who likes Lisa Tarbuck because she's a "normal sized woman", but to me, Lisa Tarbuck is a bit of fat bird.

I guess there's nothing intrinsically wrong with her size, but she is far too big for my tastes.

As I say, horses for courses.
12-14 with a bit of 'shape', though there are the exception either way.
whats ideal weight for a girl who is 5'4....? for example.....?
Few men are good with dress sizes - my guy guessed mine when we first met and was 3 sizes out!!
About 9 - 10 stone I would say nat
Thats good - I'm about 9 - fall easily under and over nine though - by a couple of pounds.
My tastes range form Nigella Lawson to Danni minougue.
Size isnt always a consideration. SOme larger girls look beautiful as they are and would look horrible skinny and vice versa.
My partner is a size 16 and she is stunning. Just because she needs to fit into a size 16 doesn't mean she is unfit or fat. She is 5' 7" and she swims, rides her pushbike regularly and can run faster than me, and I play rugby regularly. (I'm 5' 11" and just over 15 stone have been warned by my doctor that I am borderline obese!!) I think too much is made of size and weight, as long as you don't suffer from diabetes, or kidney problems and aren't out of breath after climbing a flight of stairs a few extra pounds isn't a problem. Anyway ~ who wants to cuddle up to a bag of bones on a cold winters night? lol.
size 16/18 does it for me. skinny women look nice but are more concerened about how they look. i prefer a woman with meat on her. not 2 big now but something to hold on 2. Also they seem 2 have great personalities.
At the risk of being unpopular a size 8 - 10 bod does it for me.
Maybe he is the only nice guy left (i have seriously contemplated this) but I have seen my brother date girls that have been short, tall and from a size 8 - 22. He says he doesnt give a rats @rse about a girls shape as long as she has a (what he finds) pretty face and a warm smile. Finding a girl that isn't gonna f*** him over is higher on the list than the size of her bum.
Goodsoulette - that really made me smile -your brother sounds fantastic. he single??? lol
Hate to say it, but he is lol He doesnt chat about girlfriends much, so I dont ask, he gets embarassed if I ask too many questions. I tend to guess whether he is single or not.
samuel23 - I'm a blindside flanker, 5.11 and between 15.5 and 16 stone (depending on whether I've had a heavy weekend usually!).

36 inch trousers, but they are usually too big but 34 are a tad too small - why don't they do a size 35 inch?

I'm a big bloke - no denying that - but I've got big legs and a bigish frame: I don't have a gut. at all. No sign of a beer belly.

I went to the Drs in April this year for something completely unrelated to weight and was told I was officially obese! Crapped the life out of me.

Anyway, it turns out the medical profession uses the widely discredited BMI scale which makes no allowances for body composition.

Using BMI, Johnny Wilkinson is obese. Go figure.
it dont really matter what dress size,
as long as the lady is not very overweight
and all the curves are in the right place.
that does it for me., ohhhhh better stop now
getting excited........
Hi flip-flop. Kinda freaks you out when the doc hands out that sort of info doesn't it? As for the trouser size ~ couldn't agree more. Have found 34 a bit too snug, but need a belt for 36. However, if you have a budget that can stretch to it, GAP sell 35" waisted trousers, and if you are lucky enough to have an outlet centre GAP near you, there are usually loads of 35s and at knock down prices too.

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