Sadly you question is unaswerable as there are too many variables even assuming all values as averages (eg average weight 72kg average calorific intake 2667 calories) the food you eat has differing calorific quantities. for example were a person just to eat alligator all the time it would be 63 days before he had eaten his own weight in alligator meat whereas if it were crocodile it would only be 50 days. So there are your answers for crocodile and alligator oddly enough it is 66 days for beaver but nearly 80 days for frogs legs fried in flour. Though on a diet of just carbohydrate he would be munching away for 108 days. but the real answer is 'it depends'
Jacob knows that, but yer average bloke in the wotsit doesn't know the calorific content of a croc now, does 'e? Don't get me wrong, oim impressed, it jest seems an unloikely bit o' information to know. Still, top manglewurzels to you me old mate.
Rabeliais, by mentioning these numbers of days, do you mean that you have to eat around (by weight) twice as much crocodile as carbohydrate in order to feel "full up" i.e. eat one meal's worth?
it is worked out by the fact that carbohydrates have 4 calories a gram where as crocodiles are 1.88 calories a gram. So there for you have to eat more crocodile to get the same nutritional value eg 2667 the average calorific intake per day.