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Brave Lisa

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whiffey | 20:37 Thu 19th Oct 2006 | Body & Soul
17 Answers
That brave 16yo girl, brain tumour, overdosed with radiation, just died. It's filling me up, full stop, no question really, except to hope there is a God that she goes to.


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It is very sad when anyone dies, let alone a 16 year old. the news arent reporting though, whether it was the overdose of radiotherapy that killed her, or if it ws the brain tumour that did, they are just leaving people to make assumptions
I don't often agree with you whiffey,but you have put this really well, such a sad thing to happen, she is at peace now.
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Thanks for agreeing ray, glad you made that plain.
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I *am* a religious man. I believe in the crucifixion and resurrection, I have so many thoughts about the words from the cross "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me ?"

What do they mean ?
whiffey, I lost my son to a brain tumour because he was denied life-saving treatment that was available on the NHS just two hours car drive from where we live. He died just three days before his 21st birthday in my arms. My heart breaks every time I read that yet another young life has been lost. I know that you are very upset by this too and I wish there was some way in which the parents of this young girl could know just how many lovely people like you there are who really feel for them and wish them comfort. When I was going through this hell I felt so alone and lost, I cannot describe the feeling in words as there aren't any that would do it justice. It is particularly hard when the parents are told something has gone wrong in the treatment their child received. In Kevin's case, world class leading specialists told me that the mistakes made by our local doctors were to blame for my son's death as his had been a treatable tumour when it was first found, but he was denied treatment for 1 1/2 years! When he finally got it, it was too late.
I deal with the loss of my darling Kevin by thinking of him with these thoughts - he will always be young and beautiful, never be ill again, never have to feel such excruciating pain ever again, never fear, never be sad, never be hurt again. He will always be in my heart, safe where nothing and no one can hurt him ever again. He and I promised each other this a few weeks before he died - we will always be together, living in each others hearts, always looking after each other.
It will take time and the pain will never go away, but this young girl's parents will eventually find a way to live again. It is lovely to know that people like you care so about others whiffey. You're a star :o) XXX
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Carakeel, I've not been in your position, but I have daughters and try (badly) to imagine what their loss would be like. I can't. A close friend of mine lost a daughter in a car crash. I cannot begin to know what she feels like, but she laughs and I admire her immensely.

This particular story moved me, and I posted it. Bless you mate.
its awful to hear of anybody dying, but such a young age it makes my heart bleed!

carakeel.................. i look at my beautiful children and pray to whoever that nothing would ever hurt them!! it must of been so awful for you (and still must) and i only wish your heart is full of happy memories of him!.
I still laugh with Kevin a lot and remember all the crazy things he used to do. He was such a character! We will always laugh together! The story of this young girl made me cry a lot tonight, as it brought the sadder memories back. I pray that this young girl's parents too will find a way back to laughing with her in time. Thanks Agent_Smith.
These stories are so sad. Carakeel Im filling up here. The pain parents feel must be indescribable. No parents expects their child to go before them. Although Im a Christian I sometimes wonder "Why?" xxx
Carakeel, I was feeling down in the dumps tonight because we were supposed to be re-homing a dog today but the owners changed their minds at the last minute.

After reading your post it makes me feel somewhat guilty to feel like this when all I have lost is a dog I only met once.

My heart goes out to you and may you continue to have such happy memories of your son x

You made me feel very humble with your writing, nobody can imagine what you went through,without going through what you did, thank you for that,you are an inspiration to us all, Ray

Thank you all for your kind words. I can only hope that this young girl's family is surrounded by people like you who compassionate and caring. It's people like you who can help to put smiles back on parents who have lost a child. If any of you would like to meet Kevin here is a link to some photos of him . Hopefully he will make you smile.

I get so angry when I read in the papers about how effective cancer drugs, available throughout Europe, are being denied patients in this country who desperately need them. The government can spend billions on fighting wars in countries that do not even want British presence, but not on providing essential medication, medical staff, treatments and education throughout the UK. There is a massive shortage of flu vaccinations for the elderly. My GP was just here to see my nearly 90 yr old mum and had to tell us that she won't be able to get her flu & pneumonia vaccination till December! Even he is appalled by the state of the NHS and the lack of appropriate drugs. Alzheimer's sufferers are being denied medication that can hold back the disease in the early stages etc etc etc. When will any of this change? How many more people, young and old, must we lose to negligence on the part of the NHS and NICE???
Carakeel,What a beautiful young man ,your Kevin.Made me cry just looking at his pictures.Definately entertaining all our dear departed in heaven.
What a beautiful site Carakeel. x
Thanks patsyann and joby1 xxx :o)

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