I know an 8 yr old is not old enough to have a mobile, but when I got my new one, I gave my old one to my 8 yr old. We have very strict rules on it's use. She is not allowed to take it out of the house, it is just so she can text her Auntie and her Granny, and play the games on it. I topped it up with �5 when I gave it to her, and told her that when it runs out, she will have to pay out of her own money (she gets money for chores, from grandparents, etc). She thought this was fine. So if an 8 year old can happily fund her own mobile, why the heck can't a 17yr old?! I worked part time from the age of 15 while I was still at school, and all through college, and was always expected to pay for my own luxuries, which has taught me a lot about money - perhaps your daughter should get a job, fund her own luxuries (and no matter what anyone thinks, a mobile IS a luxury) and stop expecting handouts from you.