I'm not trying to be funny.......As a child you bath and shower pretty much like adults do these days. So it goes without saying that young skin will also need some moisture put back in.....start early and save them all the expense of buying the expensive creams that promise to help the signs of ageing.
babydust, I only started using face cream after the birth of my 1st child. I was 23 and my skin went really dry. I've only ever used Nivea tho' I later changed to the liquid. People say I've got really young looking skin but they hav'nt seen my face in my magnifying mirror..lol
Creams are just a con - skin condition is an indicator of health. Plenty of water, healthy food and moderate exercise will do your skin more good than any of these lotions and potions.
Agree with you about keeping the skin hydrated etc homer but I really needed something else after the birth. I've had 3 more sprogs since (all adults now) and I've had to carry on using moisteriser due to the hormonal changes and now Im menopausal my skin gets even more dry. So, water,excercise,healthy eating and Nivea:-))
can't say where i heard it, but i remember a skin care specialist recommending some sort of cream start to be used at 21 when one is thought to be fully developed, and so some sort of routine should be established to protect the skin from the big windy world lol.
I agree with homer, most of it is a big con and plays on people's fears. I never use any cream except to slap on a bit of Nivea every now and then and everyone asks me what I use as I seem to look younger than my years and they are amazed when I say 'nothing'. Eat healthily, don't smoke and keep your sun exposure down and that will do far more than any cream, or if you want to use something then the aforementioned Nivea or Vaseline do just as well.
I am 33 now and have never used skin creams yet people tell me how well my skin looks. My advantage is that I am allergic to all the products that tend to age your skin such as soap, make-up, cleansing lotions so my skin just stays soft and wrinkle free.