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Hiya loobie, as far as Im aware shes not at all interested, she finished with him ,when he told her about us she wasnt bothered, shes not kept in touch with him (up until we got together I know he was still seeing her, just as a friend) and thats stopped now. The thing is, he has been really honest with me and I know that, I do appereciate it, but I really dont think hes over her. Maybe I just need to wait and see what happens and hope in times it gets better.
There are a couple of other things that had me insecure, like he still said 'we' meaning him and her, they still had a joint account until I came on the scene, some of her stuff was still in his house, and he still had a picture up of the two of them. Thats all been gone since the first week but still, its not a great start