reading through a few threads, it seems that some people use different usernames, but seem to be the same person, so are crete, russian and whiffey the same person are there any others
Ive only got one ID on here, cant see the point in having more than that really.
it does happen at times that some people think it amusing to answer a thread as if pretending to be someone else. It can then look as if someone has multiple usernames. Im not saying thats always the case, but ive seen it happen once to 4getmenot and i know she only has that one username.
Ive also tried the multiple windows thing when sharing a PC and it will not allow 2 user IDs to be running at same time.
Yes of course whiffey, crete, and russian (to name but three) are the same person. It stands to AB reason. They all tend to congregate on the same threads, damning evidence.
Worse than that, whiffey dropped a real clanger months ago on a russian thread by forgetting which window she had open and replied as whiffey to a question directed at her russian alias ! Outed.
I am just me! I have been a member here since19th Feb 2006 I aint been zapped (Yet!!)
I think if I did have another user name it would be under my own name, I use spurslady for pretty much everything I sign up for, I did use Lady in the past when I was addicted to the free wap on orange.
i would be interested if anyone has any evidence i am anyone other than crete. im afraid you have all been mislead by someone who has a vivid immagination.
Ive had several names since I came on here Feb 06..coz ive been zapped or got banned for over posting about a dozen times. Now Im just this one...not even got an emergency one, altho been zapped twice in the last week so maybe need a backup