From what I�ve read on your past posts though, you seem to feel sorry for yourself and it does seem a phase as I know you�re quite a cheery upbeat girl. I really don�t think you should worry about how you look either, from descriptions on here before you�re not fat. I think you�re a bit like me, well I know you are, you wouldn�t change yourself drastically but every now and then you want to just tone up or be a bit slimmer, usually after a clothes shop where nothing fits because you�re trying to fit into the size 8�s or after you�re looked down at that tiny bit of belly while sat in the bath. Well you know how to sort that, say I�m size 12 and proud of it and just sit up straight in the bath :-) You are so much of a beautiful person with just what I�ve seen you write on here, don�t get yourself down. xx