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Nature Programmes on TV

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##Wardy## | 18:33 Sat 02nd Dec 2006 | Body & Soul
19 Answers
Am I alone in thinking (sometimes hoping) that when an animal is captured and subsequently eaten on nature shows by a predatory animal, the attacked creature should fight back a little more?

Whilst I understand it is mere survival of the fittest (which form the basis of my entire socio-political-economic ideology), I really do hope the victims had a little more "thrustos" inthe approach to defence.

For example when a gazelle is eaten by a lioness, the gazelle never spears the big cat with its horns. There is also never a group effort in defence. If all the wildbeast turned and faced a prowling leopard, the leopard will surely lose.

Sometimes the injustice makes me sad. But I like all animals, including spiders and snakes.


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What has come over you Maud, you are being nice and talking sense. I agree with you !
like the roadrunner smacking wile e coyote with an acme frying pan?
awwwww ward minter

im scared to answer in case it is a trick question!!!!!!
and the leapord would die of hunger, its a hard world!!
or even leopard
How are you coping with all this niceness?
what i find is...when its a programme on lions, your thinking......catch it, catch it you need food...

when is a programme on gazelles, your thinking, run, run faster, dont let that greedy lion get you..
If all the gazelles gang up on the lioness then the lion cubs wont have anyfink to eat and they will die and the serengeti (does it happen naturally anywhere else in the world) will be full of grass eating herbivores that will fart methane gas into the atmosphere and contribute to global warming and give Blair and Brown another reason to raise some silly tax. Is this what you want wardy??
Its sad to watch but its all part of a chain cycle and every animal feeds off another... while the lion feeds on a gazelle, a few hours earlier that same gazelle might have been lunching on a few spiders(not so sad) along with worms or ants... if it makes anyone feel better, for every animal hunted down there are probably 2 or 3 more born to replace it.

I think the herd leave the weakest one for the predator as sacrifice... the weakest would always be a liability anyway, if not the lion today it would be a hyena tomorrow, why bother, total waste of time and energy in the animal's mind.
Also a group effort on the herd's part would mean the lions would become more cunning in their plan of attack and lions being faster, stronger and at the top of the chain, the gazelles wouldn't have much of a chance and instead of losing the weakest, an entire herd may be lost.
Hey robbo, SNAP!!!

The only time I don't feel sympathy, is towards the hyenas - scavenging nasties!!
to be quite honest mincer,when it comes to nature.
you miss the plot completely
This is not, I repeat NOT Mr Minter as we know him and quite frankly Im not impressed by this impersonator lol. ( anyone feel free to tell me im wrong). :)
it is him roughquest
just a broken shell since the old AB Ed left
the $heepsh$gger thrives on attention
-- answer removed --
i don't like spiders and snakes,but thats what it takes.
Adar....did you get my hand shake?

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