Sorry ladies, but that new James Bond really does not float my boat, all the other Mr Bond's have been dashing but this latest effort really does not do much for me....such a shame....just had to say that really.
I agree Roughquest I think he is horrible, looks like he could be a vicious closet queen , the film was so boring that I fell asleep, Where were all the pretty Bond girls and the excitement? Real life these days with the poisoned Russian spy and someone call Scaramella is much more exciting. Robbie Williams would have been superb!!
I can never see what anybody finds interesting in the Bond films anyway!!
The plot is always the same, mega rich guy want to take over the world, bond always gets captured, then during tour of premises he fights his way out and turns his pocket knife into a speed boat, sleeps with tasty bird and cavalry turn up when it is all over.