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o m g ?

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crete | 17:52 Mon 04th Dec 2006 | Body & Soul
33 Answers
i think we have a full moon to-night do people who have mental health problems act differently to-night ?


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>sings< " I see a bad moon rising"
My ex boss, female used to go stay with her parent's on the night of the full moon as she was scared she might have harmed her kids and her hubby. She was a lovely warm natured mum but a real " Lunar-tic"..
Midwives say that if you go into labour during a full moon you are more likely to have a very long and drawn out time of it..
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pippa , i worked in midwifery for many a long year and never heard that old wives tale
Well crete I can only go by what I have heard...

I have had babies in Manchester, Birmingham & Sussex and every midwife I met said the same thing. maybe it is a recent myth..well, in the last 16 years anyway!
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pippa must be an english myth ,,,, lol
Actually it's Roman...

From the Roman Goddess of childbirth, Lucina ~ but I would have thought she would have mde it easier on a full moon, eh?
My Mother worked nights in a large mental hospital and she dreaded a full moon, because she knew she would be in for a busy night.
Lunatic, is literally �moonstruck� and derived from lunaticus - meaning �living on the moon�. Today we might say �Away with the fairies�.

The term lunatic probably referred in ancient or bygone times, to the symptoms of cyclic mood disorders such as bipolar disorder or cyclothymia, the symptoms of which also go through phases. But as yet there is little evidence for any causal link between phases of the moon and the progression of mood disorder symptoms.

Needless to say, neither illnesses, which are both linked to depression and hypomania are joking matters for many sufferers.
It does have an effect...I use to work in a mental hospital and their behaviour was soooooo much worse on a full moon.
Oh yes the moon does have an impact on mental health. As a kid I remember a neighbour who got blown up in the war - he was fine to chat to until a full moon then he took to marching on parade up and down his back garden for hours on end until his Mother got him indoors. It was so sad to see. Nursing people with mental problems I have found some difficult to deal with at the time of a full moon and I find some "normal" friends difficult at times too.
I always get into arguments and fights round the full moon. It's notorious in our house. Just managed to have a huge row with someone now, so that either means I'm mad or it might affect everyone.Anyone else who considers themselves normal notice this?Lol.
As katie and Octavius have said, this is where Lunatic comes from. It will affect peeps in different ways (those that are affected). Have a friend who suffers with moody/arguementative traits when there's a full moon rising, at all other times he is the life and soul of the party, quite honestly he doesn't appear to be the same guy when that big lump of cheese is shining in all its glory!

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