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how do u know??

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dejucrazy55 | 17:20 Wed 06th Dec 2006 | Body & Soul
17 Answers
how do you know if you are really over someone? or that they are over you?.......but even though you are "over" each other you still mess how do you know when you are really over them...


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True love never dies. I think if you are still messing around one is still in love with the other The only way you know is to get well away from eachother if after a while you forget then that�s how you know. If you cant then you�re *******
Question Author
i've tried getting away but i cant......just the way he looks at me makes my knees go weak and i melt......we mess around anytime we can i mean even at school when we have the oppertunitae we do......
well then you are clearly not over each other?
just make sure that he isn't just having his fun with you because you are an easy option e.g. make sure he like you too - if he won't be your bf then i'd suggest he is just being a teenage boy and using you.

you will know when you are over him when you no longer feel the need to ask the question of yourself
Are you a pupil at school?, if so I'd say you're young and hey why not mess around while you can. There are many boys I felt like this about at school but you grow out of it. Its when you are older that you�ll realise its not good to mess about. I�d say go for it just don�t let him use you.
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pupil as in student, yes.....and being used honestly maybe we are both using each other to get what we want but i think i have more feelings for him then he does for me but i'm not sure...
One of you always has more feelings, and for you to be asking these questions would say its you. How old are you? Do you want any future with him? If you do then go for it if not and you are just having fun, just consider what effect it may have, is it getting in the way of anything else? If not just have fun but try not to get in too deep. xx
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i am only 15 so yes i am somewhat younger but with my past i am very mature for my age..mature as in a had a rough childhood and still am....and having a future with him is something i defentily would love to have and maybe one day possibly will but telling him how i really feel has always been a hard thing to do...
I think I have answered some your posts before and you do sound like you are very mature to me. I think you need to talk to him, from either reaction whether he lets you know how much he cares back or ignores you, it will be the only way you�re going to know.
Question Author all i have to do is find the courage to do it....
Guess times have changed though. When I was 15 I went red just at the thought of using tongues :-)
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lol...oh yea times have changed alot at least for me....
By some of the things I read on here alot of you :-) Its just you seem to be alot more grown up about it.
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i try to reasoning being that my mother has three kids one including me and shes a single mother and well none of us really get to see our real bio fathers...this being ive learned from her mistakes i mean she was 17 when she had me!!! i takes things more seriously then others my age because of this :) thank you
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well its time for me to go to another class.....but thank you for all your help i will be back tomorow at the same time if not sooner...
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If you're asking - you're not over the person......believe me - you would know cos you wouldnt give a toss!
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