what does it mean if u get white parts on top of the fingernails(i dont mean the tip. thats normal. lol). I have heard that they are calcium deposits? ppl have said to drink milk or eat oranges to make it go away. Im not so sure tho? Is it unhealthy?
It is supposed to indicate a calcium deficency althought I don't think there is any proof to support this. They are most likely caused by minor damage to the nails from knocks and bumps.
White marks on otherwise healthy nails are caused by knocks to the nailbed when the nail is growing. They are not due to an excess or lack of calcium, or so says my medico friend.
That doen't make sense- if the body is short of calcium, why would it leave great deposits of the stuff in a useless place (the nails)? If anything, it might be calcium excess, so the solution might just as well be to drink less milk!
Where did my reply go yesterday.Ok it did refer to the strength of toilet paper, but surely it could not be classed as offensive.It was just a joke for goodness sake.